No I'm not the useless info guy. I'm the one watching and making dumb jokes with the people near me while everyone else doesn't know what's so funny. Then useless info guy wants to fight because he thinks you were talking about him but you weren't. Or I'm busy trying to make the fire way too big and basking in it while everyone tells me it's too hot as I'm sitting there hitting with a stick and watching sparks fly, being amazed. Then someone wants to outdo me so they start jumping through the flames. That's when I grab a chair and watch, with my beer.
I enjoy the peaceful drink and conversation type parties more. The ones where you don't have to hire Official Apologizer.
I just got home from a party, actually. It was for a family member, but most of the 40+ people were friends and colleagues of my family member - all professionals. It was pretty humorous to compare their drunken behavior to their far lower-class counterparts in Kansas. Similar behavior although a few less expletives in front of children. I left before the useless info guy really got started. Ah, humanity - what a bunch of idiots we are.
I'd say you are a more outgoing personality than I, being the fire poker and stoker. Can't blame you - sparks are pretty. I usually walk around the fringe of the party and chat with some here and there.