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RE: I Am Strangling Myself to Death

in #life4 years ago

The page actually does give off the organic vibe, more than it ever has. People were starting to pay attention to it again. I check it a couple times a day when I'm around. In the early days it was always good to mingle with the content on the trending page. Striking up a conversation or saying some ridiculous shit is a great way to get noticed around here. Unfortunately that all moved to Discord. Then people on Discord scratch their heads there, wondering how to improve engagement on Hive. Heh


LMFAO I know, much of the engagement that used to happen on the posts are now on discord. Blows my mind somedays but maybe they will see the forest thru the trees one day and bring it back on the platform where it belongs. I don't hang out on discord much.

I used to avoid the trending page like the plague but now I also check it a few times a day, there is readable stuff on there for all taste. I suppose saying ridiculous shit will get noticed just about anywhere people just naturally like different...keeps life interesting. I used to follow the high drama pop-corn eating posts to laugh at all the insults thrown around, even if it doesn't look professional. Love em or hate em, they brought eyeballs.

I'm not on discord at all. Can you tell?

I once found a post about couches on trending. I kept slipping in "Sofa King" and acting like I was disgusted with that company. Author either had no clue I was joking around, or just wanted to maintain composure. Sofa King funny...

lol a post about couches? Sounds odd for trending material. It's funny messing with people on the internet since they can't tell intent, tones and all other social cues we use. Posting on social media nowa days can be a scary thing, looks a little hostile out there, should be called anti-social media! Poor guy probably didn't know how to react fearing getting his ass downvoted🤣😝.

It was odd for trending. A generic article that when searched on google would lead to several almost identical takes on the topic. That dinosaur way of blogging with the SEO and trying to be google famous.

And yeah it's tough online, especially for someone like me. Often misconstrued, especially when being facetious. I add disclaimers now... LOL!

lol I don't add disclaimers, I'm mostly quiet these days but when I do come out it's generally in controversy and comes with heavy backlash. Apparently being a sensible human being isn't cool and makes my mental health questionable! 😂🤣. My favorite disclaimer is I'm sarcastic if I really like you, I'm also sarcastic if I really don't like you...good luck figuring out which one...I like leaving things in ambiguous fashion...hehe

I hate those generic articles, if I wanted to read them I would google them. I came across one on cooling fluid once, strait out of the textbook and the online instruction manual, person got into a pissing match with me claiming it was original content!! Yes just what I want to read about on my spare time, how and why to use coolant fluid, tres originale, merci! lol

I just add the disclaimers to add sarcasm because, well, if you're going to dig a hole, why not dig it deeper?

And yes, if the content can be googled, it's not original. What makes content original is personality.

Consumers don't even browse generic nonsense. They ask google, google provides the answer, the consumer hits the back button. Even if that site offered more instances of various content, the consumer does not browse through it.

I like that, no half assed efforts, if your gonna dig, might as well dig all the way, see what you can excavate! 😂

definitely personality is what makes it original, an experience. Now change that to you went couch shopping and show your process and choices and personal thoughts or making a post about changing your own fluids and explaining your steps and thoughts is still boring but I can still respect it as content.

I totally agree with we google the answer we want and move on, that's as far as generic content goes for me. I'm more likely to seek that sort of information from a manufacturers manual over a blog too so I don't even see the point in wasting efforts to copy paste google in the first place.