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RE: Have I Lost Faith in Humanity?

in #life4 years ago

The world is fixated on the nasty stuff when it comes to cops. You can find videos of them doing great things as well, but they don't go viral for some strange reason.

Sometimes people record encounters with cops and because they're holding that phone and want to be a star, these people turn into the biggest asshole agitators, antagonizing the cop, trying to get that reaction. They're just people. How much shit are you going to put up with? Someone comes to your place of work and starts treating you like shit. I'll be a jerk in return. Not the smile and nod kinda guy.

Remember in Alberta awhile back, those cops that got sniped on that farm? Take that uniform off and it probably wouldn't happen like that.

I have friends who drive ambulance. They see all the nasty shit this world has to offer. They say good things about the cops. Cops are the first ones there taking care of things, every time. Once they get home, that's when they break down. Like I said how the truth hurts both ways. Hand someone a speeding ticket. They don't do that to feel good. They have to hand someone a piece of paper with the truth on it, and be treated like scum. That'll fuck with anyone's mind.