I've been having trouble explaining my take on it. I wrote something about it a few weeks ago. Luckily, I don't expect anyone to understand. That would be leaning too far to the positive side. I also expect, at times, people may fly off the handle while disagreeing, which would be the negative. Since I expect the negative, if it happened, I'm already prepared. This lessens the impact and I remain balanced. If I mislead myself and believe my thought is the only way to think, then I give my self false hopes... which are a damaging by product of too much leaning to one side, the positive side in this case.
I carry this craziness with me everywhere. I expect both positive and negative and call it balance. This gives me a third option.
Anyway, just rambling at this point. Good articles by the way.
Haha - thank you! I appreciate you saying that! Always like to hear people say they appreciate my articles.
What if you expected 'nothing' and then when a situation presented itself take it from there? I mean I don't walk around in cloud fairyland expecting gold and roses, but I don't expect anything of anyone apart from myself - and then when a situation presents itself I judge accordingly.
How does that sound? Then you are not preparing yourself for the unknown!
Expecting nothing won't work. Many situations are predictable. I think this man would know what I'm talking about.
Ah man, there goes that subjective thing again lol. I love the idea behind Taoism and I do believe I took something entirely different away from that! lol