That's it.
Goddammit. I expected that to happen. I touched on it briefly with my Decentralization and Toilet Paper post. I can't be on Steem now if they're censoring content. I talked about this a little bit with @freebornangel in the comments here as well.
So I'm noticing a pattern. What I fear could happen often turns into reality. All the years you've known me, how many times have I hit the nail on the head.
So yeah, fuck. I want to be really fucking wrong about Hive. I don't want history to repeat itself. If I'm to invest time in anything, it has to be done right the first time. This Steem nonsense caught us all off guard. With only one chance to get things right, that makes it really easy to fuck it up. Some folks will want to fork away from Hive if they don't get their act together straight out of the gates. This could turn into Tribes. Small little groups that nobody really pays attention to anymore. Not good. I wonder if they'll listen to the people with ideas or simply act like know-it-alls...
You have been right in the past. We have seen a lot of these things coming.
This thing you are saying has the ring of truth as well unfortunately. If people don't like Hive they will fork off, and fork off. An ever decreasing circle of consumers. If there are many consumers in the circle to begin with.
But aye. Can't stay where censorship happens. Just not on at all!
My response is in my new post.
I shall be looking. Kids bed first but I will be back!
Remember, most of the witnesses kissed @ned ass for the privilege of giving us bidbots and linear rewards.
Blockchains are a bitch, when you want to change the past.