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RE: A Grave Affair

in #life4 years ago (edited)

Sticking to your brand and managing to keep it fresh at the same time, for a long time. Well done. I'm impressed. Is that too many compliments? Is this awkward now? Am I doing that on purpose? No. Of course not! You deserve more praise and the highest of all high fives.

NoNamesLeftToUse - High Five.jpeg


I believe that to be the highest of high fives. It is the highest achievement a man can aspire to.

Should we hold hands after the five? :0D

Hold hands? Well I guess if you wanted to help me carry them over to the wood chipper, that'd be fine.
NoNamesLeftToUse - This Won't Hurt.jpeg

Yeah, that would be a great help. I tried burning them but they just wouldn't catch!?

Well at least now they'll come in handy.


You are truly on fire this evening!

Laura and gentlemen, give the gentleman a hand!!!

Normally that's a job I can handle on my own, but I'll take it!

Sounds like you for a good grip on the situation, soldier!