If there's a lesson to be learned here, it think it's how bananas always end up being weird in public.
And now the secret coded hidden message meaning of this amazing work of art has finally been revealed.
If there's a lesson to be learned here, it think it's how bananas always end up being weird in public.
And now the secret coded hidden message meaning of this amazing work of art has finally been revealed.
Finally!!!! I knew there was something behind it. Everywhere I saw bananas I always felt a little, you know... bananas?
And now I know why.
I think
'You think.' This is a good step in the right direction. Especially when one seeks, Truth.
The truth is out there, eh?
Like out there, out there.
Oh yes, I heard it on the grapevine!
The, Truth, comes from within.
That sounds too naughty for my liking. What if it isn't my truth?
Then you will be fed, Truth.
Capitalizing it makes it so Truth can mean anything... oh shit. Ignore that. That's my conscience talking again...
Never let the conscious speak. It should be kept in a box and the seals never broken!!!