Someone misdialed once at four in the morning; called and asked for a ride. I said, "Do I look like a fucking taxi!"
He said, "I don't know. I can't see you."
Someone misdialed once at four in the morning; called and asked for a ride. I said, "Do I look like a fucking taxi!"
He said, "I don't know. I can't see you."
That's something our video calling next generation will just not be able to grasp. Darn, is a good one though!!
Merry Christmas dudester!!
Merry Christmas!
Haha, I haven't heard this one before. His dick melting in his hand 🤣🤣
This was a local star when I was a kid:
Haha, they certainly do not write them like that anymore! I was saying to my mate about novelty no1s perhaps being dead. It would be sad if they were!
I think that shit was even old when I was a kid. But yeah, that dude's dead. I had an aunt that used to do the same act in comedy. She'd put on clothes from 'the old world' and do the accent and basically make fun of us for who we are. LOL
That's a proper aunt. There is nothing like being ridiculed for being who you are when you are young to build a bit of character!!
Maybe next time ask them to look through their phone to see you.
Yeah. Just press it up to eye. I'm surprised most people didn't know they could do that with those old land lines.
Lack of visualization, I suspect.
That fake snow spray stuff makes me see sounds.
😂Where on the scale do those sounds fall, or maybe I should say sound out?
People just light up when they talk. I think it looks cool.
😂Blue light beauties.
Some of the folk in my work seem incapable of looking at the world in any other way!
That's a sad state of affairs.
Life for some is more the recording than the living!
I'm all about the living, focusing on recording means missing out on the good stuff.