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RE: A Crypto Break

in #life3 years ago

Once you learn how to read those people, you don't need charts and 'this is not financial advice' financial advice.

You can get a good sense of the top as well. Often someone will boast about throwing down a huge chunk of change. The boasting is a sign they're not confident and want others to join in. You'll see them cheering. That's when you dump.


Do you know, I havent seen a post with the old fake this is not financial advice for a while. It was funny because it seemed like half the posts had that at one point!

You gotta get dumpin when someone comes pumpin! I believe is the technical term

Yeah. Copycat bullshit artists are becoming extinct, which is a good sign. Authenticity has value. People are learning.

But the learning is so slooooooooooooooooow

Some things in life are like waiting for a stop sign to say go.

And then that's what they see!