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RE: I Know How To Fix It!

in #life2 years ago (edited)

I studied one group not connected to Hive attempting the no downvote thing. When a few don't like something and would prefer it doesn't get support, they practice shunning like a cult. Political mind games in a sense, leading to members being ostracized while other members follow suit so what's happening to the target (losing support) doesn't happen to them. The downvote there is not receiving upvotes. No middle ground. Truly fascinating.


No time for politics today. But always time for you :D

Busy transforming a bit again. It's always a bit uneven when you don't know the path.

Breakfast soundtrack.

Going slow for a bit. Very tired and need to streamline a bit. Brb 🪷💓

Just to clarify. I totally agree with down votes. Very necessary!!

I was more keen to try a front end with no earnings and votes visible :)

Cut out the noise, y'know.

But down votes would need to remain visible to protect people. Of course.

[Edited] Some donwvotes are valid. #justsayin

It's only noise to some. Can cover it up on the frontend but it's still visible on the blockchain and easily accessible. I'd say adding that in as an option under 'personal preferences' in something like PeakD would be the most efficient approach. Could simply turn it off if you don't want to see it.

I'm curious what you think you'd prevent or change by removing that information.

'personal preferences' in something like PeakD would be the most efficient approach

Yeah. That's what I suggested too :D

Well... remove for everyone would mean more authenticity on votes for content. Of course. Because of the pack mentality. And greed.

Remove for myself to stand strong in an inauthentic world :) Only human, y'know!

Transparency is important to some. If people could easily cover their tracks, the platform would be overrun by greed.

Well you'd still have transparency in the wallets regardless must stay. Hell yeah!

Perhaps there could be a break down per post there for users of stats etc

Good luck with your project.

Thank you :)

Too many projects, too little time.

I'll leave that for someone who's focus is more that then.

When I get a few more ticked off maybe I'll return to this. Or perhaps there won't be a need to once I'm done.

Happy weekend

[inevitable typos fixed and also added]: again - thanks for being you :D

But that happens around here anyway my darling human.

It's everywhere. It's the Love and Light rock bottom! 😆

That's "cancel culture". One of my other "good fights" :D

Useless, cowardly behavior. Things don't change by being ignored. My how we've regressed

Sorry so late! Super tired at the moment and had to clean house today... catching up now

It's easy to generalize. What I observed is unique. I'm leaving it at that.

Well I've learned to listen a bit better so will listen to that 👍