
I'm so fucking tired of your I'M AN ARTIST I'M IMPORTANT attitude, and now that Steemit is dead, I don't care anymore and can finally get that off my chest.

Feels good, man.

Art has no intrinsic value. You don't deserve anything in particular just because you're an artist. Not everyone is going to like your art, nor care about it.

An easy way to measure the true value of your art is to sell it to people, and see what they're willing to pay.

That is the value of your art.

And I already know I'm going to get some arrogant, self-entitled, snide artist bullshit as a reply, and you don't even try to understand what I'm attempting to say.

That's also why you'll never evolve.

Now that steemit is dead you can get that off your chest.... wow, I imagine you are tired of being a fake, weak, douche, and that two years of putting a tongue up the butt of whales will sour a person mightily. I might also be bitter if I'd spent my time doing that instead of developing real friendships that make every moment of my time here worthwhile no matter what happens.

Thanks for coming out of the troll closet for all to see.

two years of putting a tongue up the butt of whales will sour a person mightily.

Hey, I wish. That's the strategy I should have taken. The reason I went nowhere was because I was honest and critical. That effectively blacklisted me here.

There is a really big difference between honest and critical and just being a huge asshole. I hope you don't consider your comment to the author of this post as the former because I assure you it was the latter. Of course you also told the author that you can now be honest because steemit is dead and yet told me you were honest all along....

Really short sighted by the way- first to assume steemit is dead, but even if it is, to apparently assume that no one from here will every migrate to the other crypto blogging platforms you mentioned in anomad's post. I mean that's what you must be assuming by burning bridges as you go, right? The "I'll never see you again so it doesn't matter" approach- so freaking foolish along with being just plain shitty of you.

NoNames is not a whale. Just a friend who became annoying, so I spoke up. And of course, his ego can't handle it.

Artists are like that. They always have huge egos, and they consider themselves the best thing since sliced bread.

Friend? I think you need to return to Kindergarten and learn the basic rules of that term. I'm guessing you have not carried friends through life if this is how you treat them. Can you disagree with your friends, criticize them? Fuck yes you can, when you learn the very basic difference between criticism and insult, and learn the very basic idea of when and where. Such as- not tearing down the thing that matters most to them and not on a public forum for people like me to come along and see.

You don't need to tell me who he is, I'm his actual friend, outside of these comment sections- I'll still be his actual friend if steemit ceases to exist, as is the case with a number of other awesome individuals I've met on this platform- including Eric (anomad) and before you accuse me of friendship based on SP I resteemed his introductory post and became close to him long before he had any- and now you know why you got so far under my skin- tearing down two people I love in the space of hours. Dick.

What the fuck is your problem? None of this concerne you. Who are you even, what the fuck?

Speaking of annoying friends. Hows it going today? Are you feeling better yet?

I guess I should take the time to give you a genuine response, at least.

Your insults and how you see me as a stereotype; that stuff doesn't bother me.

One part that does sting would be the feelings of betrayal. You say you're my friend but it makes you feel good to insult me. It doesn't sting much though, because I've always said only a friend can stab you in the back. Out of all the people I've met here, I expected this out of you, I'm not surprised. So it stings, but not that much, because I saw it coming.

In my defense, I've said numerous times within my blog, I don't expect everyone to enjoy what I do. That's the life I signed up for, and I'm cool with it, always have been. I never said I was the best either. I don't think that, at all, but I have received a lot of encouragement here from people over the past two years. Some do like what I do, and that's okay. They've always helped keep me on track and I'm able to respect them for it.

You can say what you want, and I know you will. You can feel however you want. You shouldn't call yourself honest though. You're not being honest when you say that. A lot of what I've said in my defense has been written all over my blog, for years. It's all there, I don't really need to say it again. Anyone can come along, dig deep enough, and they'd find the truth and see how you're just being an ass. I don't have to prove myself to anyone though, and that includes you.

Also, did you even read the line of mine you quoted?

My writing is art and my pictures are worth thousands of words.

There's no mention of money there, at all. Underneath it I wrote:

I just thought it would be cool to say that.

The whole thing may have sounded cocky, but that was intentional, because the comment was meant to be lighthearted in nature; not to be taken 100% seriously. I shared a link with you, above, explaining why I would think something like that is funny to me.

@dreemit, don't worry about him. I'm thinking he's just under a lot of stress. His approach here is a cry for attention.