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RE: Super Positive Headline and It's Even A Hive Post!

in #life5 years ago (edited)

I'm not complaining about a downvote I received, but I already know this post can be twisted into that, so the real problem can be ignored and get even worse over time.

That's a quote from the post above. The first post you downvoted of mine also states the downvotes don't bother me. At the bottom of this post in the update it says I don't care about the hissy fit mass blind downvote you handed out.

Clearly you have an issue with reading comprehension. You thought downvoting could be used as a show of strength. Then assumed you could use the 'entitled clown' or 'entitled baby' argument because you expected me to be whining about the downvotes. That's not the case though.

Again. Your bully tactics have no power over me. You've failed.

The profile picture doesn't represent sadness. Tears are not made out of blood. It has more to do with death. You can see how the eyes are closed. I produced that image myself.

I do like clowns. But I can see how you're attempting to use that as some kind of a weapon in an attempt to make me appear weak. That won't be happening.

I offered some valuable advice in the post here. Many other posts of mine contain good advice as well. I think if you took the time to read it, and spoke to me as you would anyone else when you don't feel like acting like a bully, we'd be able to make some progress.

I wouldn't mind talking to you but at this point I think you're more about acting petty. If you feel like talking, you know where to find me.

I do suggest you stop bullying folks though. Especially since you don't like more than half of the effort here, according to your recent low quality post. You'll just end up alienating far too many folks if you can't find ways to control yourself. You said I'm acting entitled but it's clearly you who wants their way and wants it now, so you'll throw a fit, which is what you're doing, unfortunately.