I'm placing this here because I feel it sheds a lot of light on where your mind is and why you're downvoting artists, photographers, etc. This helps prove a lot of my points here today.
You simply don't like things. You want control. It bothers you that others like things you don't. You feel they're in the wrong for enjoying things you don't. You'd prefer to move the goalposts so the system better suits what you value. You basically look down on majority of the people here and have no respect for them.
You don't understand this industry. If you're downvoting arts and entertainment, all while wanting this platform to go mainstream, your actions actually contribute to making it far more difficult to achieve mass adoption. As my post clearly states, the market for arts and entertainment is massive. You're attempting to stall progress simply because you don't like it. That's irrational and I told you that under your most recent @likwid account post, which is quoted here in this post.
Artists and entertainers know a lot about this industry. You should learn about these things, especially since you're invested. You'd have to step down from your bully role first though and recognize the fact the talent that surrounds you doesn't exist just to piss you off. Curb your entitlement issues and we can make progress.