A nice, simple, blue thing to look at.
Produced by a man who rarely drinks alcohol, the day after drinking too much alcohol.
I used to drink in excess. I'm not going to tell you all the same things you always hear. It didn't ruin my life, because I prefer to move forward.
I wasn't much of a creative type person back then. I think I know why. This hangover reminded me. That stuff, the alcohol, it shuts off the switch inside my head that allows my thoughts to wander. Without my mind being full of randomness, constantly firing on all cylinders, I feel pretty much dead.
All I can really do today is act normal. I'm sitting here finding it impossible to even think of something funny to say. Duck fat.
I also made this:

That one was kind of an accident.
I've always experimented with my vast array of digital tools. I like to use them in ways they were never intended to be used. I won't be producing more similar images. Everything glitched out, but I still like how it looks, so I thought I'd share.
Wow! Am I boring today or what!

That's always a fun ride.
Would you believe it's nearly been a year since I produced that massive thing?
So, I guess that's my big blog post today. Battled through that dull, boring, painful and depressed state known as a hangover, did this, starting to feel much better.
Have a nice day everyone!

Yeah I agree DUCK FAT! I remember this from last year...and the duck fat...it's still funny though.
It's funny, but not haha funny. Maybe just one ha. I give that joke one ha out of three ha's. Now I'm just back to writing dumb jokes again.
OMG but you are boring today. I think you need to

Lol, no your not boring today! 😂
Thanks. ...but I still feel boring. LOL!
I can remember those days long ago pressing the go hard button on Microsoft paint. Lol. That was about all a computer was good for before the internet.
That damn paint program is what started all this. I'm glad I don't have to paint pixel by pixel anymore though. It's too bad those hard drives no longer work. I wouldn't mind seeing my old stuff again.
Oh, I wouldn't worry too much about being boring. Not gonna happen. Wouldn't be prudent...
I hope you have some good hangover food, though.
Kiwi fruit. It has all the things your body is missing after drinking too much. ...and they taste good too.
I think from the start point of your falling diagram it would be more likely that you get smashed by our million pieces of space junk, and furthermore once you pass the core of the earth wouldn't you be floating? The mountains are nice though, very south park :p
We'd need enough debris to form a Saturn like ring around the planet before I'd ever be worried about hitting something. As for the falling, I'm not sure I comfortably grasp the physics. My mind tells me I'd freefall to the core and begin slowing down until I stop and begin to fall again... and it would just keep going like that, provided nothing was causing resistance. I love this science stuff, but there's a reason I lean more to southpark style stuff in my publications. It's easier to pretend to be an idiot than it is to pretend to be smart. LOL
Looks like we're getting close to those rings haha
There are quite a few kilometers in between each one of those dots. Orbital mechanics is something I learn about in my free time. Yup. Space Nerd.
By the way, did i get a subtle shout-out after you said you couldn't find anything funny to say at the beginning of this post?
That's actually an inside joke only a few people would remember. I'd have to dig deep to find the post. I can't even remember which one it was.
My fun comes when someone checks what duckbutter is for the first time and sees the urban dictionary definition :D
Getting up today was rough for me too, and I drink a decent amount pretty consistently. The family was over yesterday and they always keep encouraging everyone to drink more and more! I didn't have to call in today but chose to work from home. I couldn't even fathom going into the office!
Cheers to the hangover my friend! Looks like you make some pretty good artwork after it :).
Yes, the family tends to be a bad influence at times. I forgive them though!
Thanks for the compliments!
I can send you a putter if it makes you feel better!
Still laughing about that one are you! LOL. Ow. My head hurts when I laugh.
this is really a fun ride ... how you did that?... and life tip - alcohol is good but not good in excess....take care .,,,,and tell how you make this long falling photo...
How was it made? Well, I'm a digital artist, so I produced it digitally. I produced the top half by simply creating a blank digital canvas the precise size I wanted(big), then got to work drawing it up. Then I created another much larger canvas, added the flipped version of the same image on top. Then I made it larger to add in the famous regular llama, blended everything together and I guess that's it. Done deal.
God, you're so boring I nearly fell asleep at the computer. See, I rely on you to entertain me, being totally unable to entertain myself. Nah, not really, I'm being facetious, which you will already know, of course. But there is a point in there somewhere, I just went to answer the door and now can't remember what it was. Oh yeah, we all have our off days. But you showed up and were real anyway. Big ups for ploughing on through, my friend.
Yes, don't worry. I speak the facetious language too. Always a good time. It's hard for me to even want to wake up on an off day. So much off. At least I'm keeping the bugs away. I'm not sure what I mean by that. It made sense inside my head. You had to answer the door? That's interesting. My door never asks questions. I wonder if anyone has ever told that joke before. What a dumb joke. Oh well! Nice seeing you again. Hope you enjoy my ramble. I'm making this long on purpose. I could literally just keep going and going and going but I think I'll stop now.
Ever done any non-digital art? :)
Yes. I enjoy carving things with a pocketknife. Haven't done it in a while though. My art teachers growing up were assholes. I burned much of what they all considered failures. I moved away from paper and canvas long ago. I'm still the same artist with a brush, but I can't stand watching the paint dry. There will come a time when I buy supplies and do some physical works, but I'm just not too interested in that yet.
Watching paint dry is said to be quite boring for sure ;) I like painting, though i'm really shitty at it. But watching the colors blend together, and mixing in different ways is very relaxing.
definitely share if you do make more carvings with a pocketknife, i always wanted to get better at that :)
This was oddly theraputic; thank you for sharing. Hope you feel better.
I can see what you mean. It helped me somehow and I am feeling better, kind of. Much better than I felt while writing the first few words up there.
That massive thing is still awesome :O)
That's what she said! (I can't believe I just used that joke....)
Oho, the perfect time to use it!
That's what she said! (Twice... really!... ugh.)
A beautiful challenge photo ,, color challenge