The Hazy Memories of a Mid-Life Retirement

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Some decisions are hard to make.
When you know it's time, you'll never regret it.


Heard it Your Entire Life

It's on television, Youtube videos, newspapers, online articles, magazines and even simple everyday back and forth conversation between strangers on a bus.

It's easy to say. More than half of the time, they're just telling you what you want to hear. Actions speak louder than words though. In most cases, the ones offering the advice wouldn't even have the balls to do it themselves. Bullshit artists. Those are common in this day and age.

Not happy? Just change.

In 2013 I had enough of wasting my life.

You'll hear people talk about how we're all slaves to the system and how this life of nine to six(it used to be five, but they stopped paying for lunch breaks) is a waste of our one and only chance to actually live.

In many cases, those people are just bullshit artists too. Talking the talk, never walking the walk. Even here in our blogosphere. If you hate money so much, decline your damn payment when you feel like ranting about it. I dare you.

I Don't Hate Money

Back then, I hated what I was doing to earn money. It wasn't me, I wasn't that guy.

So I said to hell with it. Quit my career and the future it tried to promise me. I lost nothing. I still had me, and this life of mine. The first thing I needed was a break.

I took a few photos of this new life. I had enough money saved up. I should have purchased a proper camera, but I didn't. Instead, I used a $20 flip phone I purchased at a gas station. I needed some sort of lifeline to the outside world because I was always on some sort of adventure, alone. It came equipped with a low quality camera, but I learned after, the photos could not be removed.

These are photos of the photos. I put that screen in front of this camera and snapped away. They're blurry, but I don't mind, and see no reason to apologize for my life.

The first step to the version of freedom I required was:

theblurrybike (2).jpg

It was time to start enjoying old hobbies again. That's a Honda CRF450R. It quickly replaced my car as preferred method of transportation.

No, it's not street legal, but do I come across as someone who would give a shit about that sort of thing? We went wherever I felt like going that day. I never felt the need to go sit in a traffic jam though. Those days were behind me.

I spent a lot of time at a lake.

I love kayaking. I'd wake up early, eat a banana or two, and head out onto the water.

theblurrykayak (2).jpg

I'm about one kilometer away from shore in this blurry photo. Those are massive white sand dunes on shore and off in the distance. Such great scenery out there.

I could paddle for hours, nonstop. I'd eventually hit shore and explore the wilderness for a few hours, or just sit in the shade and eat lunch.

Next is a rare selfie of @NoNamesLeftToUse, The Writer/Artist Himself.

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I don't take many photos of myself, but this, I could not pass up.

That's my knee. A pair of cool shades that doubled as dirt bike goggles. My reflection. Just chillin'. Sitting on the beach, having a beer, eating sunflower seeds, taking it all in.

In front of me, not even three feet off shore, a rock.

I don't like to be bored. A rock is somewhat boring. I don't mind playing in the sand. I'll still do it when I'm ninety years old. Never too old to have fun.

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So I covered the rock in sand, then built a sand castle on top, splashed it with water to make it look like an old ruin. Then I used some lake foam that accumulates on shore for special effect. It looked like a floating castle on a cloud in real life, and with the right eyes.

People would walk by, admire it. I'd admire them. Welcome to my little piece of heaven. Enjoy your brief stay.

Birds would stop in from time to time.

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Sitting on the deck that I built, enjoying my morning. That's a chickadee on my thumb. After a few consecutive morning routines, these birds started to trust me.

All I'd do is sit there, quietly, every morning, holding seed in my hand. On that day, I was wise enough to hold the camera in my other hand. There was no way people would believe me, without a picture. So, I took one.

There's So Much More to Share of a Life Actually Lived

...but we're out of time!
So? Live to be happy, stop being a slave?

Been there, done that, still wearing the t-shirt.

I won't tell you how to live. Tell yourself. I did. Life's good.

Have a nice day.

All images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"I'll be back to those days, shortly."
[email protected]

© 2017 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse
(Click the link for previous posts!)


So, aside from this being a great post with an exceptional message, a few things stood out for me. One: Bananas are my favorite breakfast food. And there is a three fold reason for this. I enjoy them (as long as they're not brown), they are filling, and most importantly they require no preparation, because the last thing I want to do when I wake up is prepare something harder than coffee.
Next: The bird. That is impressive. For me it's butterflies. A butterfly will be fluttering by and I just casually put out my hand and hold it, and after a bit it will land. Maybe this wouldn't be so spectacular, but it's pretty much every single time with every single kind. To the point that one day I found a little clearing in the woods where flowers bloomed, and as I sat there with my notebook and pen the butterflies made their way over. Nine of them to be precise, all gently lapping at my skin with their odd little probiscuses. I did have a picture once upon a time, not of that, but of five. And after telling my dad about this phenomenon we sat on the porch together until one showed up, and just as I told him, it lighted on my arm.
Most animals are less wary of me than they generally are of people. I should take more advantage of this now that I'm 'picturing' all the time. I think they can sense when someone has no malice, or maybe even further, when someone respects and loves them. For me when animals trust people I am far more likely to trust those people myself.

And finally, I learned a new word today. It's called ambivert. Some say it's the middle ground between extrovert and introvert, but more precisely it is someone who is socially gifted, but likes the company of themselves a bit better than other people. When they want to be around people, they love it and them, and they are loved in return. But it's best for them to spend a good amount of time out in nature, in solitude. Also it generally shows a sense of, I'm not sure if confidence is the right word, but definitely at ease with self, no need to have others validate their existence. You're like that. I am too.

This is a ridiculously long comment, lol! I could have turned this one into ten for the merej99 challenge. But I felt like talking in here, there's a peaceful vibe right now, hope you don't mind.

What days will you be back to shortly?

I suppose, if there was to be one word, your new one could work. I used to consider myself to be a free thinker, until I noticed there was an entire group of them, and they all thought the same way. I'm everything and nothing, all at the same time.

I had many of those birds landing on me. They come from the trees to my hands, taking turns. Some would land on my shoulders. Others would perch on my head. I met a friendly squirrel around the same time. It would sit at the edge of the deck and look at me. I kept doing the same gesture. Taking a peanut off the table and slowly moving my hand down to it's level. She was eventually eating out of my hand as well. These are wild, not park squirrels. Those ones are used to people. This one just liked me.

Bananas are great breakfast. Freshly caught fish was cooked on this fire on the regular.

That was on my birthday.

I like these pictures, actually I think I either like pictures to be super clear or fuzzy like this. Anything in the middle doesn't generally catch my eye. Clear ones are satisfying to look at, like your art. Fuzzy ones leave something to the imagination like a mystery :)

That's how we remember our dreams... and nobody seems to complain about that.

Fuzzy...sometimes, yes. Though mostly for me they're disjointed, like I'm going from place to place the way they did in that show Sliders. And there is definitely color, I don't care anyone says about that black and white nonsense, lol.

And I'm not complaining about your pictures at all. I love that you posted them. I wish I had one of my old flip phones, I would do the same thing.

Just checking in, is all well?

Super busy with summer style stuff. Been away from an internet connection for the most part. Currently borrowing some wifi to do a couple things, then back to the good life. Back in a few days, maybe a week.

Okay good!! Have fun, see you when you return :)

I took a cue from you and did a brief camping stint, one I will be repeating for the rest of the summer. I do hope you return soon, it's never the same around here without you. But I also hope you're having a grand time with your girls and recharging to bring us awesome art and stories @nonameslefttouse style ;)

Hope your having a good summer! Happy Birthday bud! Hope to talk to ya soon

Hi @nonameslefttouse I've published an article about you, check it if you can, thanks.

29 Best Steemians Of The Day To Follow 29th July 2017

Just hopped on to say that I hope you're still just enjoying the summer and that everything is okay. And I see that your cousin just wished you a happy birthday yesterday, so Happy Birthday!! Wish you were here :)

Hate to jump right into the middle of the NNLTU and Dt pool here, but I love your new word, ambivert. Seems to sum up my personality well. Rather spend much time alone by myself generally, but when drug to the party, have a blast as well, and talk to everyone while there. Ambivert...I like that.

You're welcome to jump into ..I was just about to say 'my pool anytime' LOL, that would not have come out right, hahaha. But you are definitely welcome to join any conversation I'm in ;)

Yeah, I like the word too, a friend told me about it and it clicked immediately :)

I'm so clueless, I would have probably missed it completely. "Huh...?"
Thanks, I tend to be a babbler on here, and I love commenting, so you are libel to hear from me at all angles and pitches. Can't make anything out of that. Can you? (And thanks for helping define the me that is me...)

Welcome to unretired retiredness :D

Well, I'm back to plugging away. The only difference now is; I come first.

hahaha (do not say something vulger.... do not say something vulger...)

Thats nice

I'm a total nomad. I get itchy if I live in one place for more than a year. I have tons of friends who are jealous of how many places I've been but won't ever leave where they are. They say they can't move because they are broke. I say, "Shit, you can be broke anywhere. Might as well do it where you have a nice view."

I've moved around a few times recently, but I haven't traveled much. That's true through, what you say. I've been half assed wealthy and half assed broke in a few places. That didn't change the scenery, so if it looks good, go for it!

Retirement. So close but just not yet.

I retired young, then came out of retirement. I'll do it again too.

This made me smile.

Yeah, life is good isn't it? You just have to live a little to notice that..

Life is too good sometimes. A good kick in the ass always helps. Being able to roll with the punches. That's where it's at.

Where I come from we say that a kick in the ass is a step forward.

Better than one step forward and two steps back. Around here, well call that Drunk.

we call that the national dance

you might have though I was kidding...

I won't tell you how to live. Tell yourself.

I'm not sure if that falls under "integrity" or "honesty".

I think it falls in "don't blame me man.."

...and some of that too.

That's a little bit of both, I guess. I didn't put too much thought into it!

So what you're saying is the honesty and integrity came from the heart. ;-)

Even better.

I think if I retired i'd get bored. Knowing I couldn't just go travelling and enjoying myself or I'd spend all my retirement money too quickly, I'd stay at home and try to work on various projects around the house to stay busy. Steemit, writing and self exploration are great, they keep me busy and nourish the mind

@nonameslefttouse after you retired did you meaning in life change? What sorts of things got you out of bed in the morning before you retired and how did that change after retirement?

Being bored with retirement seems to be a common fear. I don't listen to group think. I was only 32 years old when I decided it was time for a break. I wasn't bored. Not one bit.

What got me out of bed was the fact I didn't NEED to get out of bed. I woke up early and quite naturally and because nothing was pressing, I'd simply start with coffee, then think about what to do next, and just do it. It's like time didn't even exist.

Great post. Glad to see that you are enjoying life. We get so wrapped up in material things that sometimes we forget what can really make us happy. thanks for sharing.

We forget... but some people don't even know what makes them happy. Never tried anything!

Nice. I like it. I am at the same point in my life. Trying to make that decision, and I know what you mean, everyone has a comment like just do it. Its a balancing act between the cash you can make, and what is your time worth to you...your life. My 9 to 6 is more like 8am to the decision is looking a little more clear lately. Maybe cash in my chips and do what I want for awhile with the family. Who knows! Thanks for the inspiration @nonameslefttouse

It's strange how people stick to being miserable out of fear of being miserable in the future. That's so ridiculous and irrational. If you know you're miserable now, you know. One can't predict the future... and why would they just assume the worst? All it takes is action. Then, now... in the future too. Change isn't hard. Some folks are tied down though. As long as they're still living, then it's good for them. I wasn't living, I had to change. Learned a lot. Feels good. Life goes on.

Dude these are the best quality photos I've ever seen in my life.
Seems like you went on a journey. On a journey towards achieving happines listening only to yourself. And that's what everyone should do. Too many people try looking after others to find their road, never listening to themselves. Can one be truly happy living life not for himself ?

If we're not looking after others, we're too busy making our outside look good to others, without really knowing what they want, just assuming, and going for perfection. I simply don't care. I look for those who can put up with my worst. If they don't think it's bad, then they'll fucking love when I'm at my best. That's the hidden message behind the blurry photos too. I don't need to make everything look perfect, to be great. That's on them.

Exactly man. I think the same way about putting up with my worst. I never really cared what people think of me or if they decide to leave out of my life for not liking me when I'm at my worst. But if they stay ? Cool, stay as long as you want haha.

you seem to be enjoying life.

The first time I've seen a picture of you and although it may be hazy and blurred, it is all made up with you having your top off.
Most of us find grace and solace in many different things and many people seem to focus on being pessimistic than being with happy with all they have.
Many people hope that things would get better but others get up and do something about it.

Yes, it is not street legal, but when the traffic jams I speed between the stopped cars. No cop car can speed between the cars like I can.

If we could figure it all out, I'd say you had it all figured out, but then it would change once again, and then we have to go on with the pondering and figuring. So as you say, just live it. Deep thoughts for a Tuesday night in July.

Loved the post, so many great ideas about living for yourself. It is a hard decision to make, to step off the board and into that you can't see below. But well worth it, in my view. I've always been more prone to not taking it all too serious than the opposite, which has been nice in life. Still, some big lifetime decisions are hard to make sometimes.

Thanks for the words of wisdom, and the view into your 'world of mid-life living'. Retirement suggests almost done. You're far from it. Love the pics of previous times as well. As @dreemit says, they have an incredible quality to them. Seem apropos that the pics of the start of your new life, are a bit out of focus, and over time you have become even more focused on where you would like to be. And your art, which you do so well, is in focus, mentally and physically . Well, I ramble on here, so will end this tome. Thanks for the thoughts, and have a nice night.

Nice article and the blurry photo's are actually quite awesome, it's something different from all the perfect pictures you see now circulating the web and reminds me of the time when I was younger. And the way I felt back then. It's a nice nostalgic feeling :) I've been thinking about what I want do a lot lately. I produce music and study marketing. I've been producing music for three years now but I haven't made a lot of money with it yet and am not a really talented musician. I can produce quality sounding tracks on my computer but I really lack the ability to easily come up with chord progressions and melodies. And feel kinda stuck lately. So I think I'm just going to focus on school again and do music just as a hobby. This maybe sound like a loss but it actually feels like a win because I don't have to chase something anymore really far away and have much more spare time to actually live and enjoy live. Thanks a lot for sharing your view :)

Thanks for sharing. I'm getting a strong feeling of freedom after reading this - damn, it feels like relief. How many mornings did it take before the bird took the food from your hand?

It is just a dream to me how is it to be normal. Being sick more than three quarts of my life is just unimaginable for me to realize so being able to live normally for people is a gift enough and all other things is just a bonus for us.

Have a great weekend.
Rest well, replenish your energy.
I'll be happy to read if you decide to do some more bloggin :d

This was a nice change of pace from the usual satire. Cool to hear a little about the man behind the keyboard.

You are missed :)

I haven't heard from This Man or That Guy for a while, nor have a been able to witness your serene artwork.
Have you taken a break from steemit?Where are you @nonameslefttouse?!

Its been a while @nonameslefttouse. we miss you.

Your absence has been noticed... The silence is deafening...

Hope you're having a great summer! ;)



Very nice and real post, I like this post. @na722

Hello, it looks like you are taking a break. While you are on your break, I was wondering if you would be willing to help us out in our attempts to encourage more educational posts on steemit.

I am part of a team trying to encourage the growth of the educational community on steemit. Would you have any interest in delegating some sp to us in exchange for steem?

We follow all of the posts that are highlighted and resteemed by @steemitedcuation if you would like to take a look and see what we are trying to encourage.

Thank you for your time.

Hi there @nonameslefttouse, it's been a while! Just popping in to see if you're doing okay. I miss your distinct art style here on Steemit :-)

You missed your one year anniversary.
And the first steemian death.
The first actual famous person to join.
skeptic climbing back into the positive.
you've missed..well a lot...but most of all you've been missed. A fuck of a lot.
I hope you're well.
And that you know if you want to come back, a bunch of us will make your return rival Elvis back from the dead ;)
Hope to see you soon

Edit: When I jumped back out I saw that I wasn't following you...that wasn't intentional. Must have happened one of the umpteen times I've come to check your page.

Hello. Is it me you're lookin' fo'?

Just saw your name in a spammer's wallet and thought I'd leave you a comment. Did you actually retire...from Steemit?

Guess what! There are now fewer names left to use!

You've been on people's minds lately, I've had a few come to me to see if I knew anything. I wish I did. I hope this isn't a matter of you feeling like it's been too long. It hasn't. You are not forgotten by those of us who have been there forever and you would be a HUGE hit with the new crowd. There is no one who has filled the hole you left, no one is like you .

I actually think your return would be pretty epic.

Anyway, i just hope you're okay. Actually I hope you're great.

Oh and if it was some crazy thing like you lost your passwords, email me at [email protected], or make an account on discord, I'm dreemit there too. I'll help you figure it out.

Mid-Life Retirement .........Picture them not so clear....... Post is okay thanks

Great content dear

Where did you go?? I was gone, too..!

Congrats on coming back (for your new post). Another great piece. You make me want to start writing creatively on Steemit now 👊