I Don't Know
Does it matter?
Not really.
I'm an artist, and I do what I want.
We're all artists though. Most of us anyway.
In case you didn't notice today as you wrote your article, the first three letters in article are 'A', 'R' and 'T'. So now you can tell people you're an artist. Congratulations!
Some of the first words we wrote were paintings on cave walls. Those cave paintings told a story. This alphabet of ours, once placed on a screen, is a cave painting. Look around you. You're surrounded by walls. We build our own caves now and call it home. It's all the same.
Art isn't all about pompous pricks who wear trendy clothes while they paint some piece of shit that looks like this:
That took about ten minutes to produce.
I nearly wrote how the piece of "art" did not require any thought, shortly after the previous line.
I just confused myself.
I was planning on writing about something else; now that all changed.
It might appear as if it didn't take any thought to produce, but it would be a lie if I said that. I'd be selling myself short if I said I didn't think about it.
I literally sat here thinking about what I could do to make that work of art look shitty and cheap. I then started doing things that would lead up to that piece of art. It all started with thought. One thought led to the next.
- First I thought I should use yellow.
- Then I thought I should make the yellow look like lazy splats of yellow to make it appear as if I simply dumped some paint on a canvas like a drunk ass(this is digital art).
- Then I thought I should use red.
- Then I put some red down.
- Then I added some white to the top red swirly thing there to give it character.
- Then I signed the damn thing.
- Then I took a look at it, thought some more.
- Then my brain said, "Add two stupid blue lines."
- Then I thought I was finished but as you can see, I'm still sitting here thinking about it.
Earlier Today
I stumbled across one of those "intellectual" articles.
I didn't actually learn anything.
It was written by one of these writers who tends to share their thoughts and opinions on things. They like to be informative, they like to be smart.
I can respect that.
That is their (art)form.
This author was attempting to teach me how some members get away with rambling, nonsensical, low quality posts about nothing and they can't seem to find a reason why that is valuable to others who enjoy the work.
I didn't say anything. I'm actually laughing because I thought, "Damn! Is this author talking about me?"
We're all familiar with my style here, right?
I can agree, on occasion, to some extent, on the surface, my work may appear to be some sort of lazy, mindless, drivel. I get it. Some people spent many hours working on their research paper, nobody is reading it, and it's frustrating. Typing out a lot of words and doing the research is time consuming. I get it. I respect it. They look at my stuff, or many others like me who focus more on entertainment, and their heads spin.
"What the fuck is this shit!"
Don't worry about it.
It's called entertainment. It's been around for thousands of years. People have always enjoyed their favorite forms of entertainment.
Just know, in many ways, damn near everything on the internet is a form of entertainment. Yes, even research papers are someone's form of entertainment. This is why you're here. You're trying to get attention, so you can entertain, and at the same time, you're out looking for things that entertain you.
Thought Goes In
Entertainment comes out.
Does that help you?
Are you feeling at least a teensy tiny bit more comfortable with the people and their work that surrounds you now?
I am, and I hope you are too.
I have been happy since the first time I cane across your blog. You know i once told you about how you are different and you said people like you being different and that was how I tried something different on my blog. I did a rant post where I did nothing but rant and the love I received was more than when I sit down to think before I write.
People want to be informative on steemit but I have realised people don't even bother reading all them lengthy researches hence such posts may get very high upvotes yeah but low comments except comments that are just there to lick asses. @nonameslefttouse, I always enjoy your nonsensical nonsense or whatever they choose to call it.
Thank you so much for saying this. Now I'm happy. People like to see other people being people and sometimes we get so caught up with creating some kind of a false image of perfection that we start to lose touch with those around us and even ourselves. I just do my thing and I love to see other people just doing theirs while putting more emphasis on who they are rather than what information they know. People aren't following essays and lessons here, they're following the author of those things and if you show yourself inside of those presentations, you get to be yourself on the outside. It makes life here so much easier. Thanks for bringing this little random rambling out of me.
Wow. You just made a whole lot of sense. People aren't following the lessons here truly, it is the author they follow. Being yourself is so easy and when you are yourself it is easy to find those who would appreciate you and love you the way you are because you represent originality. Keep doing your thing. I enjoy your random ramblings.
I think I like the art in this post more than most of the art in your posts. The minimalist approach and use of bright colors on white is whimsical yet bold. The blue makes me think of a flag of some sort, but the rest says clearly it's not. You should entertain the idea of making prints of some of your art perhaps? That could be entertaining.
You're a fan of this minimalist stuff, eh? I've done others and I suppose this one is growing on me, a bit.
I'm certainly not knocking down this approach. Even though I personally think this one is crap, LOL, proving that it still takes thought to accomplish was the point. There's always more than meets the eye.
I did sell a digital file that's meant to be printed, long ago. I don't think she ever took it to the print shop though. Part of the plan is to sell prints. I just don't have the resources now to start printing and distributing. I'm working on the catalog, slowly. This one can't be printed properly though. It's much too small. It was made for demonstration purposes. I honestly didn't think anyone would like it!
That often happens to me, paintings I make that I'm sort of "meh" about, often sell quickly where ones I think will sell quickly sit for years sometimes lol I do like the minimalist abstract stuff, the more I make my new 80's inspired style art the more I see how fun it can be to play with simple shapes and bold "sections" etc... It does take some thought, or, at least it takes the ability not to overthink and just DO lol
You are indeed an interesting character @nonameslefttouse ...
Just wondering whether you have a lot of "shoulds" in your thinking?
What do you mean? Like, should I do this or should I do that?
... to a certain degree - yes. My sense (although I could be wrong) is ... that although you seem to want to get away from your shoulds... they seem to stick around (even in your art) ...
I can only be me. Should I be myself and let them see or blind them with someone else.
You know the answer to that ...
& of course you can only be you ...
All I am saying is that you may wish to do what's called reframing -
i.e. try replace your "should" with "will" or "would like" or "want" ...
For example:
First I thought I should use yellow.
Then I thought I should make the yellow look like lazy splats of yellow to make it appear as if I simply dumped some paint on a canvas like a drunk ass(this is digital art).
Then I thought I should use red.
to something like...
First I thought I would like to use yellow.
Then I thought I want the yellow look like lazy splats of yellow to make it appear as if I simply dumped some paint on a canvas like a drunk ass(this is digital art).
Then I thought I will use red.
it seems like a small shift - but really it's a matter of changing your thinking - and your emotions will then follow your thinking.
... & maybe you will then know.
I've always enjoyed art that was at least trying to be art. Like, did someone throw some stuff together and call it art? Then, it's probably not art? I think? I don't know.
But now you go and confuse me by carefully crafting an artistic representation of art that is not trying to be art. So you've created art that is trying to be art that is not trying to be art.
I think... yeah, I think that's art again.
My brain hurts.
Well, I've been sitting here playing dumb, but yeah, you're right. That's basically what I did, in a nutshell, whatever that means.
I'm not taking that "art" seriously though. This post was just an experiment. Some sleight of hand magic stuff. A shit post on the outside that explains a few things on the inside. I'm quite confident anyone who clicked already knows to appreciate what goes on behind the scenes.
I was trying to be light-hearted with my comment, not sure if it stuck.
For actual artistic enjoyment, the litmus test I use is "did I enjoy this without trying to enjoy it?"
The weakness of this test is that I do not enjoy all art... so it will throw some false negatives. Some of it, I just can't get into. Photorealistic paintings and drawings, for example, I just really don't like all that much... no matter what quality is involved. In general, the less something looks like a drawing or painting, the less I enjoy the work and the more I admire the skill of the artist instead.
I enjoyed your work today, but in the context of what it was trying to emulate, and in the context of the rest of your post. I enjoyed it as commentary about "pompus pricks" and their "anti-art" or whatever you want to call what they do. Did I enjoy it in the same context as I enjoy your other artwork?
No. That would be silly, and I'm pretty sure it'd be an insult to your other work.
I'm in the same boat. I like photography but I don't really enjoy the art that looks real either. It's not my thing, and that's why we don't see that on this blog. Even when I'm just working on characters, because I enjoy creating these monsters, I make damn sure it only slightly resembles a human.
I had a couple of comments come my saying the art is nice. It's either the reputation number that actually looks nice, or the wallet. Not the art. That was part of the experiment.
Well I don't fucking get it. If it's not about crypto then how can it be entertainment? And no pomposity whilst dressed in trendy clothes? You are a fraud and I will see you burn for this
What did the bitcoin say to the asshole named @meesterboom?
Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast?
Oh. I guess you heard this one already.
It was on trending earlier in the week.
After reading through the post and having a cursory look at the comments, I was piqued by this series of replies cuz it reminds me of high school days.
People just talk shit when they have no idea of what to say!
Or they talk shit to be funny :0)
I endorse flinging swords and screaming
"Are you not entertained??"
as a remedy for pompous prick artists and intellectual writer types.
I'll vote for this. That sounds like a damn good idea? Why did I put a question mark there.
I stole the idea from Gladiator! And it is definitely a damn good one.
I haven't seen that one in awhile. I used to be one of my favorites, back when I watched movies.
I haven't watched many movies recently either, but I did binge watch about 20 episodes of You Suck At Cooking last night. It's sort of like Gladiator except the guy cuts up a lot of food instead of a lot of people.
That really is funny to imagine you deliberately trying to make crappy art, then fussing over it endlessly. I've tried it before too, but no matter how bad, somebody would pay a thousand bucks for it if they didn't know the gag. Here, the entertainment value of the piece goes up the worse you try to make it, and yeah, I see what you did there, in priceless fashion.
I did fuss over the damn thing. I said it took ten minutes. You know what? I didn't include the thinking time.
What did I do there though? I honesty did not mean to make this a priceless work of art. I tried to fail, honest. Dude, I wrote, "What," for a fucking headline. Why did people show up! LOL
What is the answer to a lot of questions; people ask "what" in the form of a question, and it's possible that the artwork had What they needed as an answer. 'Here's What', you offered.
No. I mean, maybe, but no. That can't be it. It sounds smart though so maybe I'll just go with that.
Who gives a shit about feeling comfortable. Feeling unfitted is inspiring.
Anyway, I don't know why but after I read this it came to my mind a video of Jim Carry turned into an not understood genius rambling around his awakening.
You should have a small talk with him.
I didn't really write this for me. I wrote it for the thousands of people who didn't look. Yes, that actually makes sense to me.
Jim Carry doesn't answer his emails.
Maybe If i say Jim Carry a few more times, he'll just show up?
Jim Carry! Jim Carry! Jim Carry!
Not working.
Oh! That's why. Jim Carrey has an 'e'. Fuck it, I'll try again later.
Do you know that at first I wrote Jim Carrey, then I looked at it and I thought "oh no, it must be without e!"?
But I was too lazy to double-check.
I am sure there is also some Jim Carry somewhere in this world.
Let's look up the other Jim Carry and ask HIM to come to Steemit. I want to know that Jim Carry now.
Bold move to include only an "easily" (to be more polite) drawn image to accompany your post's message.
You think so? I don't think it was bold. People haven't forgotten that I do better work than this. It was quiet here today so I don't feel like I sacrificed gaining new followers or anything like that with one post. And don't worry, you can call that crap. That's what it is. I'm not taking it seriously. I probably would have wowed people if I threw in a new image that's more like something I'd usually show and say, "Now imagine how long this one took to make and how much thought goes into that," but I didn't feel like showing off. Man, some people just don't get it. They see the finished product, it took them 2 seconds to look, maybe some humorous writing that goes over their heads and they'll jump to the stupidest conclusion and act like this kind of stuff is a waste of space. Fuck that. We're not all hear to learn and act like politicians.
Yeah, it was crap but that was intentional anyway.
And it adds weight to what you're trying to say - that just because someone finds the artwork crappy and the post meaningless, it doesn't mean it actually is.
Everyone has different tastes, this could be someone's taste out there.
What's funny is people who use a whole post to say there's low quality content being posted themselves don't do a great job of posting otherwise.
The "serious" stuff that's mostly in the Trending section gets boring pretty quick; we need stuff like this to shake things up and bring back the spark of reading a blog post written by another fellow human.
Who gives a crap what the value of BTC could be. We'll see when it gets there. Till then, let's have some fun and celebrate the fact that it hasn't hit 0. What are you gonna predict then, huh? lol
I'm glad you posted today, I was looking for your post yesterday but you must have been rather busy.
Nice technique. I think I will try drinking instead :P
Yeah, I don't know what happened yesterday. There are over 100 comments on a post I didn't post though. So strange.
Some people do well with drinking. I know a guy who's always standing out in front of the liquor store, earning money. Drinking pays.
Your humour killed me once again. On a serious note though some people are just too lucky. I only get yelled at and insulted when I'm drunk.
I try to stay far far away from alcohol, most days. I'll go to a bar for a meal, maybe have a beer. I don't mind watching the show we get to see once people start overdoing it but I tend to stay out of that mess.
I definitely feel teensy tiny, even though I have no idea of the meaning. Perhaps I will google it. Now, you still thinking about this art you made makes it a real art. Just for an example people still look at Mona Lisa and keep wondering. Yes, I feel so good about your art. Just look at the comment section.
Teensy is just another slang word for tiny. I don't even want to call that art. It's more of a demonstration. It's actually working as planned because not many are clicking this post today, so far. It's the judge a book by the cover effect. I did that on purpose just to see what happens.
You're one Steemian I've never been able to put in a box. I never know what's going to come out of your mouth (or through your fingers and onto your keyboard).
Nobody goes to the store to buy rotten fruit. They want their fruit to be fresh. I am a fresh fruit.
Hahaha true, always fresh!
I remember when you first started on Steemit, I was doing some curating for Curie (I was using my @shenanigator account at the time) and came across your "Fuck" post (where if I remember right, you used some form of "Fuck" 100s of times in the post). It had me dying laughing.
I posted it in our private Curie channel and although it didn't technically get approved for an upvote by Curie, one of the other guys I was working with sent it to a whale whose voting power we used. This whale also thought it was hilarious and gave you a big upvote.
Here you are a year and a half later and I still have no idea what you're going to post about.
That 'fuck post' is a classic. Even though I got flagged by the freedom account after having so much fun, and that post sits there, grayed out, I'm still getting views. Those aren't Steemit views either. That's the outside world, looking in. Another thing I do is I share my posts on other channels(provided it's not about Steemit). I've been lazy lately, but some of my old stuff is still circulating. People enjoy it. It's entertainment.
Actually, wine is rotten fruit and some people like it. If you're mostly fresh but a little off, you would be a Beaujolais nouveau. :-)
Did you notice I told the tangerine that I am a fresh fruit?
No. Ha!
I can tell how much effort someone's put into their post by how easy is is for me to finish reading it. Keeping someone's attention (especially in the modern day), is an art in itself.
If a post can be read fully with ease (I have a non-existent attention span), then it's worth an upvote in my opinion - even if does appear to be drivel on the surface, they've entertained me and that's all that matters when it comes down to it.
Keeping things simple and allowing your words to speak as you write is sound advice. The true "experts" will tell you that.
I write humorously, most days. I'm an intentional idiot while writing. That's not easy to do. Grammar police might hate on a massive run-on sentence. They might say it's poorly written. Unfortunately for them, using that form, intentionally, is necessary when writing certain forms of humor. That's just how it is. As smart as some people are, and I do respect their brains, they unfortunately miss the point. It's harder than it looks and that's one of the main reasons.
Glad to know I'm an artist too. Lol.
Actually you thought so much that's why it took you 10 mins. Cheers Mr Entertainment.
Hope you like the name ?
Mr. Entertainment. LOL. Sure. Just add it to the list of my many names here.
Many people are complaining about shitty content, that it doesn't fit their view of what steemit should be, that the system is flawed...
We don't need preachers of negativity. Maybe 80% of the things are dumb junk. For sure 20% of all the Steem blockchain is big enough to makes it valuable.
Thanks for bringing up this point
I enjoy your autistic-like writings and your psycho-schizophrenic arts
Everything is content to sell advertising. Advertising is to sell things. Things fuel content writing. Circle of life.
Sounds like you've been listening to that Elton John guy again.
Oh, it's my breakfast. Half-boiled eggs with ketchup, nice one.
And some of that freshly cut blue bacon. MMM mmm.
I appreciate digital artists. I relate far more to a colour system that uses pigments over light. Pigments are intuitive or I coloured a lot. Light even has multiple systems, so I'm still admiring your crap art. I was thinking the people that design unattractive cigarette packaging might be interested in it.
Yeah. They could roll this shit up and smoke it.
Lol this is so funny mate. Good way to relax after a hard days job 😀
You like this one? I thought I held back a bit but I'm glad you laughed! Thanks!
Buen post amigo felicidades.
A tu orden cariño siempre al pendiente de tus interesantes publicaciones, te invito a que pases por mi blog y me des tu apoyo con tu opinion en mis ultimos comentarios, sera de gran placer para mi.Saludos y bendiciones.
Every artist was first an amateur.
good work @nonameslefthouse, You showed roughly your artistic skills.
Ooooooo burrrnnnnnn!
i was Lmfao and my wife thought im losing it, came from the other room so funny comments lol
Entertainment is good art is better entertainment is fun and we all enjoy it however entertainment it becomes hard takes it to a higher level thank you so much for your article
you post again about funny.
actually this art is very amazing.
No, it isn't.
Now I know how there are people that are still willing to buy a blank canvas for a million.
this is a great art.
art is a good way to earn money. sometimes I also art.
my dream a designer.
No. Be honest.
I'm still not sure if joni's dream is to become a designer or marry a designer or they had a dream of being a designer or seeing a designer or marrying a designer.
So many unanswered desig- err, questions man.
nice post sist..
Have a nice day 👍👍👍😎
Oh Man, this is so true and i did not notice until you shared this point, quite interesting ;)
yes we all are Artist in someway and Thanks for giving some laughs Friend :)