in #life2 months ago


On the 27th of Decembers I celebrated my first wedding anniversary with the love of my life @blezyn. It has been a very interesting/eventful year for both of us, and I am glad we are ending the year on a good note.

Side note: We were supposed to get married on the 25th of December but the court was closed, so we shifted our date to the 27th.

Getting married is one of the important decisions an individual will make in their lifetime, it underscore a significant part of ones adult life and that of the next generation as it also leads to the creation/making of offspring. So when I was making my decision to get married, I did give it a lot of thought, however, there were several bottle necks.

The first challenge I had was accommodation. I was living in a shared apartment with my family. Yes, we own the property, but it wasn't mine per se. There were several passing comments/gossip about it in my neighborhood but I did not pay much attention to it because I knew it was only temporal. In addition, our families were fine with the arrangement, so every other person's opinion was irrelevant to me.

The second and possibly the most pressing issue was the future and my(our) finances. I was just recovering from one of the worst financial blunders of my life and the future wasn't looking really great for me at that point. Asides the crippling economical situation in my country, I did not have settle job and crypto wasn't paying enough to support my new household. The only thing we had going on for us was our plans and the hope the things would get better. Fortunately, things did get better for us.

I probably would never gotten married if I was waiting for all the right external conditions. Internally, I was ready to be a husband and a father. I was going to do anything within my power to make sure I created a thriving space our family, and I am in the process of doing that, and thankfully, things have been going better than I expected.

It would be wrong of me to end this post without giving my wife @blezyn her flowers. She is the engine to this machine we call a family/marriage. We wouldn't be in our current position if not for her courage and willpower. I consider myself very fortunate to have her as a partner, and I am hoping and praying to add as much joy and fun memories to our lives together.

In conclusion, they say the first year of marriage is usually the toughest, and this has been true for us. Nevertheless we have been able to weather the storm and I am optimistic that we would do the same many more years to come. Cheers!



Congratulations on your anniversary.

The decision to get married is one that is pivotal for so much. Someone said, there is never a good time to get married...

I have found that to be personally true... And it's been 2yrs since.

Thanks for your comment, and yes it is true: marriage is not an easy feat but it is worth it.

Happy anniversary brotherly and many more happy years to come.

I'm delighted that you choose to celebrate it with us. Thanks so much.

Thank you for your kind comment

What a beautiful couple you are! Congratz to you both! <3

Happy Anniversary 😊 you both look so good!

thank you :)

Wow a year already!
Belated congrtualtions

Thank you very much 😊