You really need to analyze each and everything you typed. You claim contradictory statements by you to be truth. News flash, perfection can only beget perfection. If Satan was made perfect, this cannot change, period. You do not act in the same manner you claim. You claim to check and double check, but make a blatantly false statement.
When two things contradict, both cannot be correct, but neither need to be.
You say, "So we test everything. Test, test, study, and test." What standard of test do you use? You cannot test a subject by using the information given by that subject.
Lastly, " so even if I live a good and generous life, if I do not believe in Jesus, I go to hell? That's the question I wanted a simple yes or no. When you overcompensate in an answer, that's a direct indication you know your answer won't be good or popular.
If you believe I am damned to hell, simply because I do not believe in a flawed bit of writing created wholly by man, then you are not rational nor good. Your god is not love. Read the bible without skipping around and giving certain passages illogical meanings it doesn't have and you'll know the truth my friend.
I cannot perceive a Christian as good who does not see a non-Christian as being good and worthy of heaven.
Now it's time for me to judge...peace out my friend...I'll be back when you decide to be good for yourself, not an imaginary friend because you need structure from an outside source, because of a lack of self control.
There is no need to reply, I am This is one of the 3 phrases (it is finished)the bible says were Jesus' last words, which is an irrefutable contradiction in the bible, because only one phrase can be his last. Rationalization is not truth brother, it's trying to create a truth, where none exists.
Bye bye