Colorblindness is a condition where you're unable to distinguish the same broad spectrum of colors as somebody with normal color vision.
Below is a chart that is commonly used to test if you're color blind or not :
The only number I can see is 12.
I started realizing I was colorblind when I keep pulling out the wrong trash can (green/brown) when I was a kid. I would usually mistaken green as brown or brown as green. There are times where I also mistaken blue for purple or purple for blue & there are many laughing moments because of this.
There was also a video on Buzzfeed about a soccer player who constantly passes the ball to the wrong team color a lot of the times :
Colorblindness affects at least one in ten men & is rarer in women.
Are you colorblind?
I can see the number 12 and that's it, but I already knew I was colorblind
We're on the same boat then! Have any stories?
Every single time I've ever told anyone I'm color blind they ask me if I can tell the difference between two random colors haha
Oh!! I accidentally voted my own comment. LOL.. Have you heard of enchroma glasses?
I have not what are they?
I see right to left and then down to repeat 12...5...then 8...3 and on the bottom row 29..15 Clear as doubt.
I wonder if there is a spectrum of degrees of colour blindness
Intersting I took this test a few times over my life and this seems to be the very same test they used 30 years ago.