Nice article!
Can you let me know how you made some text bigger? I tried different HTML codes but nothing is working.. And I don't have that editor or markdown mode.
Nice article!
Can you let me know how you made some text bigger? I tried different HTML codes but nothing is working.. And I don't have that editor or markdown mode.
Ohhhh i uses the editor to do it.. so i am unsure the only thing i know how to do in raw html is italics and bold. And also how to put links into images.. maybe this link can help? It looks pretty easy to do!
Thank you for the link.. unfortunately that is also not working.
I don't understand why I don't see the editor when I want to make a post.. Was it standard with you or did you downloaded something?
It just comes up on mine . are you using a computer or phone/tablet
? because when I use my phone I can only use straight html with no editor. Sorry I havent been on to answer you ghave been feeling under the weather.