I got my husband the husky for Christmas two years ago. :3
I travel with stuffed animals. Often even locally.
It's usually a precaution in case I end up in the emergency room. Gives me something to snuggle, but they also don't believe in stress balls anymore. So a stuffed animal gives me something with give to squeeze while they butcher my veins. My veins aren't cooperative, and "medical professionals" are cunts and even after hearing you had IVIG every four weeks for six years and averaged six sticks, plus all the emergency room trips in between where they butchered you, they still don't want to put the needle where you tell them to.
Usually they end up having to in the end, and even though that spot didn't seem reliable to them, it was, and they just collapsed three veins and caused my weeks of severe pain that no one will treat for nothing other than the fact that they're the professional and therefore know my body better than me. And after all that bullshit, you can bet I need something cute and soft and colorful to comfort me.
If I'm out with people other than my husband, I'll have a stuffed animal secured to the top or side of my messenger bag or backpack. Don't care that I'm in my late twenties. The world can bite my ass.
Life requires cute and colorful and soft comfort! Stuffed animals for life!
(Sorry for all the rambling.)
Rambles and C words. I've missed you.
I'm in emergency for the second time this week.
When I said 2018 was my year I didn't imagine I'd be cutting it this fine.
I've been missing you as well!
I'm so sorry! I've been mostly hiding out here on my own blog, as well as with my husband. Just trying to keep myself more active on Steemit and trying to keep myself going in the real world.
What's been going on? I'm always here for you. Always have spoons for you. Just ask for spoons and I'm yours. ♡
One simple medication that is started to counteract another medication which was poorly managed. Then that drug causes a scary side effect of really high hypertension. No-one will change the medication causing the hypertension and other hideous symptoms without the approval of the original prescribing genius who is on aholiday and not contactable. So they just cover it up with a blood pressure medicine. OK, no worries I will figure it out in a few weeks.
Only I had an allergic reaction to the blood pressure medication and ended up back at the hospital.
They took me off the blood pressure medication and sent me home....
Still on the drug that had my bp 220/120 with no replacement.
The doctor said, I'm not worried about that, plenty of people are walking around with a blood pressure like that and don't know it.
Yeah, then they drop dead.
I have no idea what to do. I'm fucking sick of a broken system that doesn't work and doesn't care.
Um... We're broken here in the US, but we're not that broken.
Make sure you file as many complaints as you can lob at them. Gimme a bit and I'll see if I can help you work around this bullshit.