I tend to stay away from personal or controversial blogs, but, today is the day I break loose on that. I think that everybody deserves the right to know why I, among many, many others, believe that college is a scam.
College, you've heard it at least once. In modern education, we are taught that in order to get a job and not end up on the streets after high school, you must go to this place called college. This is what I would call pure PROPOGANDA. Believe it or not, almost all of the people I know that have went to college are UNEMPLOYED, yes, you heard that right. By no means does going to college guarentee you a job when you graduate.
Another problem almost every college graduate runs into is DEBT. Yep, you go to college to supposedly get a "good job", but when you graduate, you are stuck paying off debt for the rest of your life. So, if you get out of college, unemployed like many are, you are basically screwed and you owe your life to the government.
When family members/family friends encourage me to go to college so I can get this quote on quote "good job", I laugh my ass off. Why in the hell would I want to be in debt for the rest of my life, waste 4-16 years of my life in a place full of ZOMBIES, and get knowledge that I can get off the internet, for FREE? Well, you probably guessed I wouldn't, and I am here to confirm that you are CORRECT.
Hard working robots that have no emotions and beeing a slave to money. That's what they are trying to achieve.
Good article! It's true that college needs to evolve and change
It really depends on the person and the situation. I think for me, if I didn't go to college my perception on life would be limited.
I'm not saying that I couldn't have had that experience if I didn't go but it really lit a fire in my ass to do better.
I guess it really depends on the person.