You are correct, they - government, mass media and many other major institutions - lie about almost everything! The Establishment/elites that controls those
and every major institution in the world want a one-world socialist government and they're doing anything
Gordon Gray was instrumental in recruiting Earl Warren to head the Commission investigating the assassination of John F. Kennedy … the desired result was a massive cover-up. to get it. I never looked into 9/11 but the government commissions were probably Establishment-/CFR- related or stocked, this was so, I noticed and brilliantly described, with the John F. Kennedy Commission:
I hope people here are seeking truth/facts but I don't doubt that the NWO/Establishmnet has infiltrated or has plants/sympathizers around the website, misdirecting people away from the problem or answer.
We want to avoid MOB rule and anarchy, just like we want to avoid the evils of total government - e.g. collectivism, Communism, Naziism - on the other extreme of the true political spectrum.
The people that did this Fox News report were followers of anarchy. There's a video of the male flipping off the camera while saying "anarchy.":
Chart 2 is a more rational political spectrum with total government in any form on the far Left and no government or anarchy on the far right.
Our Founding Fathers revolted against the near-total government of the English monarchy. But they knew that having no government at all would lead to chaos. So they set up a Constitutional Republic with a very limited government.
About the only way I see, that we can have good government, save the U.S. Constitution and Western civilization is to restore the U.S. Constitution by the Liberty amendment
The Liberty Amendment will win the battle on 45 issues all at once
The Liberty Amendment has been designed to fight all the multitude of apparently different battles at once – and win by restoring the Constitution to full force and effect. Once the Amendment is applied, a multitude of diversified battles will be won
are affiliated with the Establishment: Marco Rubio was advised by George Pataki, Bilderberg attendee and Shaun Hannity, associated with NewsCorp/FoxNews which was controlled by CFR member Rupert Murdoch, to name some. It's been said that the best way to defeat the opposition is to lead it.
But I noticed that numerous people affiliated with the Convention of States (COS)
It's great that you're concerned about health and well being, pollution, government crimes/cover-ups. We certainly need some Paul Revere's out there and I agree many people are ignorant, brainwashed or apathetic.
One more thing, if you are rightly concerned about the health effects of pollution, the Liberty amendment and proponents would probably be opposed to the U.S. EPA - they might see it as not constitutionally authorized government, but I don't know, just became aware of the Liberty amendment and COS.
Thanks for the references.