Opening my First Book box

in #lifelast year


Hello folks!

How are things lately? I had been indulging myself with reading these past few days.

One of the greatest pleasures I had had since I was a child was reading.It really excited me to order this as this is the first time I am doing this.

It all started with a new friend. I do wanted to give her something that would make her very happy. I have never encountered this company before. I decided to try it first- but I got so excited I ended up ordering her book after a few days.

The way this thing works is that, you answer a few questions- about your reading preferences, then get to choose if you want to receive some self care items( face masks, serums, etc), snacks( Australian made snacks/ goodies), bookish( annotation supplies, bookmarks, etc) or combination.

It was pretty fun for me as I feel that I am not in control of my book choices- a bit of a surprise! The day that I received this was one of the happiest days of my life and, so, here it is.


First view.....


Here is my first look of the bookbox per se.


And, here is the first surprise: a bookbag.




I opened this on my bed. Here is the contents of that envelope.



I did not rotate/ edit this.

My annotation kit.First annotation kit.


The pouch where my annotation kit was placed....


And, I got this in every book that I got. A book review. I love looking at it as I have never really done this before.

And my books!


This was how the books looked- they were wrapped on this plastic bag to protect them.


From my snacks.


Overall, I enjoyed reading the books( I have already read Nettle and Bones in my kindle) and, I am gonna start the others as well. I love it so much because, I am helping local businesses- the owner is based in Sydney and they are patronizing local products. That makes me feel really good about this thing.


Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!