I have also lived in bad accommodation to save money as it was so cheap, but nothing compares to that! It's easy to forget how good we have it here in England. What I consider "bad accommodation" is so much better than the situation you explained. As tough as it sounds, it was good to read about it as it puts my own situation in perspective, and makes me very grateful for what I have. But also a bit guilty. Why should I have it better just for being born here? Life's a bit unfair isn't it!
Yeah I hear you about the atmosphere of being rural. I grew up in a quiet town but when I moved out I went to the city. I really didn't like it. Constant noise, people everywhere, senses continually battered! I lasted a year and the moved somewhere more rural and like you feel much better for it.
Anyway thanks for sharing, it's nice to hear about people's experiences from around the world :)
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