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RE: Hi, My name is Fyrstikken - And this is my Scottish Terrier, Hanna.

in #life9 years ago

The leach is only because it is prohibited not too, but Hannah is a very loyal and trained dog, she don´t really need it.

That's only because you live in a Nordic country:

  • If you're Italian, you'd count the number of friends you have: if it's above the threshold, the dog goes off the leash. (For "friends", you can substitute pecunicus cumshaw.)
  • If you're French, it depends upon where you went to school. If you're an Enarque or suchlike, the leash stays on tight. Otherwise, it's off in a flash and stays off until an Enarque shows up.
  • If you're British, you calculate the odds to see if you can appeal to "an unwritten right" (genteel) or "bloody common sense" (more likely).
  • If you're German, you instantly look around to see if the others have their dogs off the leash. If "yes," so does yours and you prepare yourself to give what-for to anyone who tells you to put it on. If no, you prepare to give a good scolding to any owner of a dog whose leash is off!
  • If you're American, you take the leash off because you're not gonna knuckle under. If asked nicely, you'll put it on. If told to by an authority figure, you'll comply. And then complain about the leash law all over Facebook.
  • If you're Canadian, you let the dog off the leash while preparing yourself to act meek & dumb. ("You mean there's a leash law? Sorry, I didn't realize...") Until then, Fido's as free as a bird!