Happy new year sir Boom of the Clan Mc. Meester!
And the safe end of a 'Poo Stick'...!? Think I do not even wanna ask. (Memories of a gentleman who never tells spring to mind.)
It reminds of a story where a father was asked by his young son: "Daddy, where does poo come from?"
Dad feeling a bit awkward, but nonetheless wanting to tell it like it is, starts to explain to his young offspring. About food that goes into ones mouth and how it comes out again from down under.
His kid has been listening to him with his mouth and eyes wide open. When his Dad finally asks him if he has any questions left, his son gets up shakes his little head and mumbles while he walks away: "Now I think I do not even want to know where Piglet came from..."
Have a great one!
Hahaha!! Oh man, I didn't see where that one was going. Quality!!
Cheers man, the world has turned once more and I face another year. I have high hopes it will be a good one! :0)
Laughed while I typed it in. It is a Classic! 😁👌
Cheers to a marvelous new round mate! 🍻
Heh heh, another round it is!! Best foot forward, cheers mate!