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RE: With Strange Aeons

in #life3 years ago

Okay, I'm going to act bleeding serious for once and I apologize up front...

Snails can get into an aquarium when a new fish or waterplant is being dropped in.

They come as an (unwanted) extra when bringing home those newly bought watery treasures.

Therefor, that clean and clear drinking water is safe to drink. It is the store thag sells them watery things which is to blame.

Them few snails can become a plague though. As they are very easy to keep happy with fish food that sinks to the bottom, they can also produce masses of eggs. Eggs which cannot, or hardly, be seen.

Getting rid of them is possible. Put a large plate in the aquarium, with some fishfood on it. Turn off the light for about an hour. After a while the snails will have gathered on the plate. Easy to get them out.

Also there are snail traps. Same basics as the plate trick. Only they won't be able to get out off the trap. You can probably buy one at a pet store.

And then, a survivsl of the fittest solution: a snail eating a snail.

You'll need the Anatome Helena snail for that job.

But won't that infest your aquarium with another snaily family?

No, that is the best thing. After the Anatoma Helena did its dirty job and no more fish food eating ones are left, it will make itself scarce.

Good luck, hope it will get resolved soon!


Aw man, cheers for this mate.

I can see this being another trial. I will give the plate thing a try and see if I can get a few of them at least. There are about 9 by my count and I can imagine it is much like my fear of when the Little Lady wanted an African snail and I learned that youhad to kill at least 200 of the young uns every month or two.

Ugh. I wasn't thinking about it becoming an infestation. My fears on the tank becoming a big giant boiling mass of muscle and flesh are coming true!

Maybe I should run away :OD

You're welcome. :-)

That would be a horror if the whole thing would be filled with an orgy of wrestling snails. Once I saw one standing up, for as far as one can speak of such a thing to exist. And it had its mouth open. Now that looked really creepy! You do not want to have a whole bunch of those and not live in France, where they seem to have a purpose.

And of course, always have a plan R; When everything goes wrong, run away. 😄

I am quite fond of a plan R!!

I don't even like to imagine them having mouths although I know they eat all the good bits in my garden do they have them. Yuk. The more I talk about them the less I think of them. Except for the French ones, they are rather tasty!!