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RE: The Clap

in #life8 years ago

It would be a hoot and a half to do that at a pedestrian crossing every time someone gets to the other side, alive and well. A lot of people here in Nederland can relate to that.

And then when they got to the otherside give them flowers and such, a medal maybe, for shown bravery.

Think it is a wee bit over the top to do that when a plane touches down though.


Tis very over the top!

I can totally get the successful crossing thing though in the Netherlands. Every time I try I nearly get rattled by a bike!!

Medals and flowers should be mandatory!

Make it so! ;-)

I wonder if in the depths of the ship away from the bridge the red shirts are all clapping like mad when they come out of warp drive :0D

Hahaha, now would that not get boring after one episode already.
"And... we're out off warp, hip hip hurray, three cheers for the captn!" =D

I can see it though! A little victory dance every time. Captain thinks its some kind of mutiny!

Oh man, that would make some great parody like episode. LOL

It would! I read a good pardoy esque sci fi novel Redshirts which was great once. Well it lost it a bit at the ending but it was still good. You read it?