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RE: A Special day in Many Ways!

in #lifelast year

So, happy you wrote this post giving us an update on your busy life. And busy you are, you busy-bee!! Glad to hear your mom is on the road to recovery and your son and daughter-in-law were there for all this time. Hopefully, things will now be slowing down a little for you. My fingers are crossed.

Oh, and your hairdresser was right: You do have the most beautiful white hair!! My hubby won't let me grow out my gray/white yet. But one day... until then I'll have funky colors.

But you're certainly right about the hairspray. My hairdresser has learned by now that I do not want any of that stinky stuff in my hair, thank you very much! LOL


yeah, the days are flying by and not slowing down.well my body is but I'm so tired my brain doesn't register anything any more....

and yes, most days I like my hair but it has been this color for over 25 years so not really the same as if you got it MUCH later in life......

It just looks better if I have makeup on to brighten my face up. all that white kind of blends in. LOLL but the energy to put makeup on......I really do not have lately sooooooooooooo

I just need more strong enough to enjoy her new place even for a little while.