5 Stages of Life Related to Tragic Moments

in #life5 years ago

Funs in life blind us all to realise that tragic and joy are intertwined which defined life itself as vanity.

Below are 5 stages of Life related to tragic moments:

Primary Stage - The moment a kid collects his Primary School Leaving Certificate, only for him to realise that he is resuming the next academic session in another school without his jolly good friends.

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Secondary Stage - The tragic moment starts when a student graduates from High School, only for him to realise that his closed friends chosen institutions are not the same as his.

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Tertiary Stage - At the higher institution; bidding farewell to friends and colleagues after graduation. Then, natural and emotional conversations would be had between friends in different segment;

               **A** We'll meet at the top
               **B** Sure
               **A** Goodbye
               **B** See you again

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Working Stage - When a man dresses for work, only to realises that he's retiring from work that day.

   **JC**  Congratulation Sir, we'll miss you.  
   **What a two-sided statement!**

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Last Breath Stage - When a man had been promised paradise, only for him to realises that he'd die soon; flashing back to memories, all the tortures and pains he endured while climbing the success ladder, the family he'd leaves behind, the properties he laboured for.
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What a life!

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