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RE: Home Birth vs Hospital Birth

in #life7 years ago

They really are such different experiences. I did the same as you, a hospital birth for my first, and a home birth for my second. And I couldn't say enough positive things about my home birth experience!
I was fortunate enough to have the same midwives through both pregnancies, and they were supportive of my choices both times. I was nervous the first time around, and felt like I should give birth in hospital "just in case"... but after laboring at home overnight, and heading to the hospital when the midwife said it sounded like a good time, I progressed really quickly, and was in transition while en route! Not a fun time. Basically, we all got there at the same time, and I needed a room ASAP as I was totally ready to go! Thankfully, the first time, it takes a bit of learning to figure out how to push, otherwise, I'm convinced he would've been born in the car. HAHA! I am thankful to have done the hospital birth, though, as we were able to donate his cord blood for stem cells. We hate hospitals, though, so only stayed the night, and got out of there as soon as she came back in the morning to check on us.
With how fast things went with my first, I figured I probably wouldn't even make it to the hospital, and didn't really feel it necessary, so opted to stay home. It was so much more relaxing, and my body for sure remembered what to do, and did everything very quickly and efficiently! I didn't even have to push, my body just did it for me! I had really good timing, though, because when my water broke there was no controlling those pushes, but the second midwife (for home birth here, they have one to catch/attend to the baby, and one to attend to mama) had just walked in the door. 2 pushes and she was out!!! I was able to relax in my own bed, spend the time connecting in the comfort of my own room. AH-mazing!

Thank you for sharing your experiences!


Thank you for sharing your experiences! How amazing! I am glad you can relate! Birth is miraculous. :)