Oh faddat you must think i dont have info on you that you think noone knows about. Ive been quietly getting research together. Some of it starts making me realize why you move around so much. Want to attack me AFTER screwing me out of 15k? Can you please just leave me the fuck alone?
Fuzzy, you must have info on me that I don't know about, either. Post/state/do whatever you want man. I'll go through line by line and say what is true or not. Anything. Have a ball.
Go for it dude, say whatever you'd like. Anything.
Naw i simply said i have it. Because ive learned you are 100% reverse to who you act like you are. Im not like you man.
Sad. So sad.
I don't think so fuzzy. What in the hell are you accusing? Speak straight.
Wonder why so many don't work?!
Citing a list of tools that are in various states of maintenance is a very difficult position to argue from. There's any number of reasons, any number of combinations, that can contribute to problems with the present status of a particular tool. I recommend being specific.
Sure, I'll be specific:
Instead of taking the effort to maintain and version a proper API for graphene/steem, stinc gave the community a garbled pile of shit.
There's really just that one reason. I don't think that there are any others.
Oh, and it's true that some of them no longer work because their creators gave up on writing against a garbled pile of shit.
I guess you didn't understand my recommendation.
About the API? Well, let's start with single quotes are not valid JSON field delimiters
Inertia ...rationality will bounce off him.
Sadly your emergies are being wasted here. Go do amazing things that you are capable of doing please and dont waste your time here. I know you are trying to help, but hes already sucking my time into the toilet. Id hate to see your productivity shat on too..
You don't, because I am me. I only act like-- guess what??? ME! you'd best just say what you've got to say.
Sure faddat. Poor guy. Shit must be tough for you to stoop so low to wasting all this time ON A PLATFORM YOU HATE to tell people how much and why you hate it.
Know why im not on fb anymore? Cause i dont like them. How novel..
Yes, this exposes my 100% total, utter complete hypocrisy. /sarcasm
Do me a favor.
Stop posting here and build something better if you hate it so much. But dont ask for money on here until u pay me back my 15k unless u want me to drop the truth about u every time i see u scheming. This will be my response to you from now on to your posts.
Stop bitching like a baby and prove you actually have a clue wtf u are talking about. Build something faddat. You wont though.
I will.
Just admit what you said about the APIs.
What that its fucking POSSIBLE? And that im not a coder? Yep.
But neither am i fucking stupid faddat. When i see other devs doing shit nonstop and you fail but then blame everything on steem...i know its bullshit.
Ive learned much since ALL this time ago many things. One of which is that i am now 90% sure you are a scammer and i am guaranteed just 1 on a list of many victims who have given you money or dropped their entire lives to move to "work with" you.
non-coder: Here's 15k to write an app.
code: Cool.
non-coder: By the way, I heard it's almost impossible to do. lol
coder: lol
non-coded: lol
coder: By the way, all sales final. lol
non-coder: lol
The situation isn't that situaion, it's in fact:
Time Passes
the scam is graphene