Would you agree that the ability to think is the most important quality of humans? For those who develop this ability to easily come up with wonderful ideas, those who don't are doomed forever to repeat those who think.
To become all I can be I must develop my ability to think.
A simple exercise is to take one thing and develop at least 20 new ways to use it, I took a pencil, here's what has happened.
- take two pencil make X
- go to hunting with it
- Put it to the end of an arrow
- Practice your oratory skills on it
- Create an amazing story that this pencil is unique, it previous owner was someone famous sell it for 100000$
- Look at it for 2 minutes without thinking about anything develop your concentration skills
- Buy A lot of them and build a house
- Use it as firewood in a stove
- carry with yourself for self protection
- pray for pencil make it a creator of the world
- Make a movie about pencil
- Sell it
- Make it a sexual symbol
- Clean teeth with it
- Use it as a Chinese stick to eat food
- готовить курицу гриль
- FBA can use to torture bad guys
- make a trap for the wolf, dig a hole, put a lot of sharp pencils at the bottom and close the hole with a cloth and put meat on it to lure the wolf
- Destroy balloons
- Use as a brain
- make a car from it
22)improve your self-esteem, look at pencil and say to yourself how great I am! I am better than a pencil, I have brain, eyes, imagination and the pencil don’t))
What do you think, do you have any other original idea?