I was told, I am from the black race.
I was told, I am an Igbo from Nigeria in Africa.
I was taught to be a Christian.
They showed me an image of what I have to look like before I can be called beautiful.
They made me know that If I don't behave in a certain way, or pass some school exams (that certainly have little or nothing to do with real life issues), I will be classified as unintelligent.
They told me if I don't pass through some educational institutions, I will be called uneducated.
When I choose to wear different hairstyle and clothes, they call me primitive.
The world, no, people in the world, set their standards and judge me by it.
Whenever I do things differently from what they expect or believe, I am condemned.
They even called my posts shitty, because it didn't fulfil the standard they used to judge a good post.
In all their attempt to tell me who I am, my opinion was never consulted, neither did they allow me to tell them who they are.
I was not born a prisoner, but they bound me and threw me into the prison of their opinion. They called me what they wished and expect me to answer or get ostracized for daring to be myself.
I can no longer be a prisoner of another man's thoughts and opinions. I am who I choose to call myself.
I refuse to walk in another person's shadow.
Today, I choose to rewrite my own script.
I am unique. I am beautiful (regardless of what anyone else uses to scale beauty). I am intelligent. I am educated. I am smart. Above all, I am just me! Yeah, Me! Free from the world's description of who I am.
I will create the world I want to live in.
We are all unique. We are all special. Please don't judge me by your own standards.
The world have structured you to see yourself in relation to their opinion of you. It is time you start telling yourself who you found yourself to be.
Image source.
Much love from me to y'all.
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@elyaque made this beautiful badge for me
A wise man once told me that, there are two things that defines us:
"Our Patience when we have nothing and our humility when we have everything"
He told me that we are students until the day we die.
What often limits our learning is that we believe we already know, we believe that we already have knowledge, we believe that we have the answers.
You can find that this feeling of "knowing" makes us actually judge others and criticize others, and that's why wise people see that "Judging is critical but observing can be educational." Therefore we should be more focused on improving ourselves because we don't have any energy/powers to criticize anyone else.
A lot of people in the world do criticize others and make them become prisoners of their own opinions
I believe that we should never let complements get to our head and never let criticism get to our heart
That is why it is better to know how to learn than to know, because when we know how to learn it becomes part our mindset, it become the part of the way that we daily navigate life and that is what takes us further.
That's why Brain Herbert said:
"The capacity to learn is a gift, the ability to learn is a skill, but the willingness to learn is a choice"
Those are really beautiful words @empato365.
Learning is a never-ending process. A man who believes he knows everything has stopped growing in life and has settled for far more less.
Great post & great words. Which ill add to my collection of mottos and wise words
Those are such beautiful words @ogoowinner.
The world will never keep quiet no matter how good we are. They will always talk behind our back, even to our faces at times. But, we are the one to know what's better for us and what not. Many a time it happens that, we start thinking about ourselves a certain way just because someone whom we trust, said something about us. We should know who we get along with. That's why successful people always say, "Surround yourself with people who will help you grow and not criticize for everything you do".
This is awesome. Thanks for your feedback here.
You're welcome :)
That’s the most beautiful motto to ever live by, you are all the things you mentioned and more never forget that no one can tell you different
Thank you for reading
Amazing and richly motivational. Every African / Nigeria woman needs to read thus piece. Thanks @ogoowinner.
Thank you for everything
you look beautiful and astonishing in that dress... You eventually made a post on this topic.. Lol
Lol! Oya translate this one.
We encourage and support minnows.
@Ogoowinner, thank you for using the naijapidgin tag.Join us on discord: https://discord.gg/5SR8CH4 for more fun and to submit your posts for curation. You like what we are doing and would like to support us? Join our trail here: https://steemauto.com/dash.php?i=15&id=1&user=naijapidgin Sponsored by @ogoowinner
a very complete self-introduction.
I think you're one of the most beautiful women in nigeria.
and I love the way you introduce yourself.
Thanks @ogoowinner
Thand you for visiting my blog.
You're welcome...
do not forget also visit my blog.
Funny thing is that would always get opinions from other people on how to live our lives as if they know what's best for us. Sometimes or mostimes one just have to ignore them and follow your heart so you could shape you own perfect world rather than one built on someone else opinion of what he or she tg8nos is best.
Awesome post
The most painful thing on earth is to walk in another person's shadow.
The best way to do that is to listen and read the most successful people who are in the same field, get inspired and do it your own way.
That's what they label you to be forgetting that the label is not you. I love this 👏
Lol! I told ya!
Lol! Only thought you were joking ni oo
Beautiful regardless of what the world says. The world would be a better place if people come to understand that the world doesn't define us, we don't have to listen to what people say or think.
The world may see me as a cat, but I see a Lion, and it's my opinion that counts.
Thanks for reminding us to stay true to only what we believe and what we see ourselves as.
Thank you for reading.
The worst life anyone can live is to live to please others. Or live by anyone's standard, no matterly how highly rated their opinions are.
We are all unique with different perspectives...We All Matter!
Do Your Thing Your Own Way! Great!
Pleasing others never helps oneself. The core problem is, we never value ourselves enough and that's why it affects us so much.
This is beautiful
When you see yourself as unique and don't live according to the opinion of others, there's hardly anything that can put you down because you'll be burstling with high self esteem
radiating beauty,light and originality.
@ogoowinner nice reading from you, and thanks for the good work you do in this community, it's because of people like you the word "beautiful" still exist.
Thanks very much.
You're very welcome
don't give a damnn about those people they will always spread negativity and create barriers
Thanks baby.
I hope more people understand what you have posted as if they do its the start of empowerment. Great post