Evil often triumphs over good in our today's world, why is it so?
Whatever you sow, that you will reap..... Yeah! It's a popular saying, but do people really believe in it? Do you live your life knowing that what you do has consequences?
If most of us believe that every action is a seed that will germinate and bear fruits, then why do people still plant evil seeds?
Why are cruelty and selfishness ruling our world? Why the brutal killings? Why the racism? Why the oppression? Why do humans behave as if they have total control over the affairs of this life? Why the pride and arrogance? Why the backstabbing and betrayal? Why the hatred? Why the envy?
Why are religions spreading so fast, but humanity is falling deep into the ditch of wickedness and unbelievable atrocities?
People work for the government and are owed up to 10 months salaries. Citizens are maimed and killed by the government that was meant to protect them. The affluent treat others like they are lesser humans.
People don't give a damn about the outcome of their actions as long as they will gain from it, It doesn't matter what effect it has on others.
Each time I walk around and see the extremely poor and oppressed in my country, I cry in my heart. Nigeria is a very wealthy country that has enough resources to take care of her citizens, but the wealth is in the hands of only a few politicians who without conscience siphoned public funds into their personal pockets.
When I consider all these things, I keep wondering if there's a God watching while all these things are happening. I also suspect that not everyone looking like a human is truly human.
Sometimes I feel like I'm on the wrong planet. I am not perfect, no...not even close to being perfect, but I have never shut my bowels of mercy to the needy and oppressed around me.
Something happened to me today that makes me believe I still have a touch of humanity in me and I encourage everyone to live by this. My sister called me today asking for financial help. At first, I didn't want to give her my money for two reasons;
The first one is, I do not have spare money to give out for now because I spent so much for medical treatments when I was sick and I desperately need to complete the money for my housing accommodation.
The second reason is that, when I started blogging on steemit, I told all my siblings about it but none of them agreed to join. They do call me asking for money when they know that more than 60% of my income comes from my activities here. They prefer begging for fish instead of learning to fish by themselves.
It's true that I have enough reason why I should not give her the money, but when I noticed she needed it for something very important, I gave it to her.
Why did I tell this story? What do I want you to learn from it?
Sometimes, people deserve the harsh treatment they receive. They do things that warrant the oppression, maiming and even killings, but if we can allow mercy and love to prevail, we wouldn't give them the treatment that they deserve.
Paying them back in their own coin will only lead to recycling of evil deeds.
When we learn how to pay good for good and extend the goodness to the bad, we'll break the circle of evil. Evil will no longer prevail. The bad will one day be compelled to return the goodness and Our world will not be completely free from evil, but it will no longer be ruled by it.
Evil thrives because we merely profess karma without believing in its authenticity. If we truly believe its existence, then we would not do anything evil, even when it seems justified.
Break the cycle of evil around you today. Do good to everyone including those who do not deserve your good deeds.
All images are from imgur.com
Hi @ogoowinner, trust you are doing well,
You see, this is an important message, I can see you directing it to Nigerians, my sister you've made a cogent point so far, ranging from those question that you later answered
You asked,
But you answered it here
The earlier we no the essence of existence the better, you see, if only we understand that you can't leave the whole world by yourself, then you'll know that what you needed to do his not evil.
You forgot to add that, "greediness is evil too*, if anybody is leaving at the expense of others, it also greediness..... We cant have it all my sister, have what you can have and leave the rest, even what you have too should be shared between those that can strive hard.... Equality can be in the whole earth but the fact that you have more gives you responsibility to give more.
But I like it more when you said evil should not be paid with evil......
The fact is, an eye for an eye may get us all blind (Probably I should make a post out of this)
@honourmaus (Da Motivator)
You beat me to the quote that an eye for an eye could make the whole world go blind, but that is ok. There has always being evil in the world, but I guess more efficient information dissemination seemed to have highlighted it. Truth be told some are poor due to their actions or inactions, but many are trapped in what I would like to call a vicious cycle. Eg, a boy born into a very poor family who finds it hard to eat once in a day has a reduced chance (but still has a chance) of being successful compared to the people born with the proverbial golden spoon in their mouth. This vicious cycle could be broken, many already have while others are in the process of doing it.
The evil of the world is something that would always be here, the only thing is to try to not be a part of those perpetrating the evil. At least if we cannot fix the situation, leaving it without contributing to the problem could help. As long there is good, evil would exist in one form or the other. I'm not trying to the gloom evangelist here, just a guy that knows how the world works.
@ogoowinner I hope your siblings have joined steemit now, not everyone is quick to embrace a new thing, some are just too stuck in their old ways to try new things. But after seeing it works would jump in. I have introduced up to 20 people here, only a handful of them is still here, some just hate any form of work. To such people they are irredeemable, you just do what you can and leave it up to them to either work or not.
The government is the people, to those owing the ten months salary, there are relatives of those being owed in the helm of the affairs, if the people refuse to ask for what is entitled to them, it could keep happening. Power belongs to the people but funny enough the people tend to forget this awesome fact. If the people are united in their purpose and idea, nothing could stop them.
Ideas are bulletproof and nothing could kill it, you can blackmail, suppress or slow down an idea, but killing it is not just an option.
Keep hope alive. Keep steeming. ✌️
evil and good is the whole history of humans and it is an invention of man to create a history
the others living beings, their lives is their History.
yeah lets break the cycle and generate more positive energy because its contagious!
I often see it , where good energy creates more good energy. but sometimes we just stay neutral of without taking action. positive action.
I am a Swedish guy living in Colombia, a country that is living a very similar situation to the one you described about Nigeria. It is an incredibly rich country but most of the population doesn't enjoy the riches of the land because of years of corruption, war, hatred and more.
I am more a believer of God than karma but I totally agree that it is time to break the circle of evil. Learn to forgive those that we think don't deserve forgiveness and love those who have hurt us. Or else it will never stop.
This life is one of at least 5184000 chance to live on other earths on the visible universe. God is fair to judge you base on all these lives in some of which you or me are the evil doers.
This is the question I ask myself every morning when I wake up when I feel the sick universe weigh on my life as a lid. We are told to "enjoy the present moment", that it would be the right attitude to have to know happiness. But at the same time, we are constantly worried about our future: the planet is in danger, our living conditions and that of our children are deteriorating, purchasing power is in free fall
See life like I see it, it becomes easier to understand.
Life is a huge university. And not everyone go to a university is a student. If you find yourself in a university, first you must know why you are there. You can be a professor, a chief, a chef, a thief, a cleaning personal, mail man …etc. Most are important for the university to exist.
The main purpose of the university is teaching students. The vast majority are students. Students are on different levels, majors, time spans …. Some quit early, some graduate fast, some takes their time, some switch majors, some repeat and repeat, some can’t wait to finish, some wish they never got there and some leave just to wish to go back again.
Life itself is an irony where everything goes...
💝💝💝💝 fantastic write.
Evil will not seize to exist while the father of all diabolic act is still alive, there are a lot of churches every where but Satan seems to control and manipulate the world. But will not stop doing good because the bible says that we should keep on conquering evil with good. @ogoowinner One day those that you help God will soften there heart to make changes and turn out to help you too. am still the mouth piece @theheralds
Since mankind rebelled against God evil has prevailed but mostly it happens unprecedentedly at the final part of the end meanwhile let not stop doing what is fine to all sorts of men.
i enjoyed every bit of the post. Thank you for sharing. I wish i had more power to recoup this.
The elite without borders are less than.001% yet they control 99% of wealth and power. Their evil doings seem like 99% of the people are evil.
I understand how you feel and the same questions you ask bothers me too. Like you said, we have high numbers of religious movements but nothing on saving humanity. I used to think all is lost but I'm hopeful that this world will be a better place.Hello @ogoowinner
I feel the same too o. I want to leave earth somehow. Maybe if Space X is done with their exploration of Mars and are ready for colonist, you and I should apply and make Mars a better place.
Wow! This is definitely one of the best post I've seen on this platform. You will be suprised how much evil people have in their hearts. Like you said the cycle of evil must be broken. In the end only kindness matters.
The battleline between good and evil runs through the heart of every man.
That's pretty cool to know thanks for the tips by the way :)
Hello @ogoowinner
This is more deepen than you expected.
I've learnt that "if it face you, counter it and if it backed you, re-think" now a days people don't even believe in the law of karma anymore whereas it's still coming to hunt them, if not them perhaps their families.
Imagine student been treated anyhow over their rights. Nonpayment of working salaries for over 12 months students been out of class for 15 months now.
Who will tell them to stop this acts?
Theres no leaders , we lack it
Perhaps when they started seeing the wrath .
We are animals actually,,
It just happens that we have a bit of intelligence,,,
But look in the jungle
You will find the same thing
A lion killing another lion 🦁 for power and protection of the area
We Humans are driven by the same principles
We want to look strong to conquer
It is in our genes
With all this intelligence
I guess we can choose whatever to be good or bad
My opinion
@ogoowinner Thank you for sharing this lovely write up. 👏
When we have doubts and questions, choose to say Lord, "I believe. I may not always understand, but I trust you."
There is a point i'd like to make concerning this wonderful post: Many people do not wish to be wicked or continue the cycle of wickedness but they are wicked because they never took a concrete decision not to. Many Nigerians are permissive yet they wish to be good, it doesn't work that way.
At times after reading your whole write i still feels like, i am still learning even when those that read before i post always say it is awesome.
good and evil! we need to take the decision to rule on the good side of life. Christ came and gave us life and the life we live is the life of Christ which carries the DNA of Christ.i love your post,its the type that brings changes to human. i will love to follow you,please feel free to do same @ogoowinner
Hello @ogoowinner
This explains who you are. Most times, it is not about preaching but practicing what you teach others that matters. You are a rare human indeed.
I've cultivated peace in my mind knowing and seeing that all important organs of life are free, like breathe of life, rain and sun, nature and life etc, these are the things that I hold to greater esteem.
The only things man can give me are just mere things that are created by man which are the very reason for the evil ruling our world.
Really touching @ogoowinner