Fastest Military Attack Helicopters in the World

in #life7 years ago

Military Attack Helicopters  – An Introduction  

When it comes to speed in military terms, we would normally refer to aircraft but seldom does it come to helicopters. Helicopters, by nature of its operation, is expected to be slow but with an option of having varying heights to cruise at. But then again, helicopters are important weapon with any country. 

The single most important advantage of the helicopters is its ability to land and take-off from any location, even places where there are no proper landing space. Now imagine a rough terrain to pick – up and drop military troops or to attack enemy positions, an aircraft is as good as of no use. It is places like these where helicopters come to play. 

The important point though is that while these helicopters are good at their intended purpose, they are fast too. Here is how fast and which ones make this list.  

Fastest:   Eurocopter X3  

This is the fastest of the military helicopters out there and can do a top speed of 487 kmph. It has a unique design in the sense that the tail rotors are replaced by two rotors on a short stubby wing. The purpose obviously, is the same as the tail rotor, to counter the torque from the main rotor. But what it does is give it a very Bondish look and could easily make to any Bond movie. 

The Eurocopter is so fast that there is a big gap between the number one and number two chopper in terms of top speed.  

Second Fastest: Mi - 35

This is one of the oldest helicopter in the Russian arsenal and easily one of the oldest in the world too. It still is the second fastest in the world and before the X cube’s (X3) launch was the fastest. Can you imagine a nearly four decade old helicopter still being the fastest? Well, it is. 

The Mi-35 is the export version of the Mi-24 and can do a top speed of 335 kmph. Like I said, there is a gap between this one and the Eurocopter.   

Third Fastest: Sikorsky S - 67

The Sikorsky was supposed to be an American response to the Mi-24/35. One other distinction that the Mi – 35 had was that it was the only helicopter of the time that could simultaneously attack and transport personnel. There was simply no other helicopter which could do so. Even those that could be used for both purposes, can only act in one role at a given point; that is either attack or transport not both together.  

The Sikorsky was supposed to fill this gap and in effect become the only equivalent of the Mi-35 at that time. However, an unfortunate accident closed the S-67 program and with that the hopes of an Mi-35 equivalent; of course, later helicopters did do both but not till the 1980s. The Sikorsky, however, did manage a top speed of 370 kmph which was also its never exceed speed. 

Fourth Fastest: Mi - 28 N Night Hunter

Mi – 28 is the newest entrant to the Russian armory. It is also comes with a number of new features which the Mi-35 misses. Also, this is an attack only helicopter unlike the Mi-35. Russia has already found customers for this helicopter. Iraq and Kenya would be the first to lay hands on this one.  

Fifth Fastest: Ka - 52 Alligator

This is one of the main attack helicopters belonging once again to Russia. The Mi – 28  in fact, works in tandem with the Ka-50 and Ka-52. The Ka-52 is an improvement over the Ka-50 which was a single crew helicopter. 

The Ka-52 is a two pilot version and is capable of attacks on armored, non-armored, troops and enemy attack formation. The Ka -52 can do a top speed of 300 kmph.  

Parting Shot  

So that completes our list of top five attack helicopters. These helicopters are actually faster than few military drones. To that effect, it becomes quite important in the attack formation. Many a times helicopters like Ka-52 establishes enemy positions and formations and a drone or aircraft bombs the location. In that sense it acts as deep eyes and ears in times of war. Chances are the military helicopters may get faster than this and when they do, they will find a place in this list.  

That said, we are through with the list of the fastest military attack helicopters. For an extended and detailed list you can read more here

I hope readers enjoyed reading the article! Have fun!  

Some more interesting articles by the Author:  

Image Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons 

Disclaimer: Video posted on youtube does not belong to the Author nor does the Author validate that it belongs to the user who posted it. These videos are added to give additional information to readers about the subject being discussed.    


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