typical of me
In my regular way of living i often leave no stone unturned, trying to find the part way to success. The giant strive the notion of timidity and a modified sense of acrimony.
#little did i know that that life happens in the dawn of the awakening
while it happened
On a cold evening outside the streets of the city of #benin in the #surbobs of #Oredo just as we sat to catch breath from a pace taking field hustle of ours. We took some bottles and then some more just to wet our appetite.
As the story goes
There was a filling station just by the side of where we where sited trying to get stress out of our heads, while we sat down a tank load of fuel drove into the station ready for discharge
Hook line and sinker
The explosion
While it lasted the driver had quick stop by the shop nearby only for him to return to find out that discharge had started with out his consent with anger and frustration he lit a cigarette and boom the tanker burst into flames, just as we saw the flames we took to the hills
#the fatality
Bam 1,2,3 we got lost as i was trying to seek cover i met with the rods, the actual #rods boom boom boom total black out as i reached for the ground not know what had hit me. my aim was to seek refuge and find safety, now how i found the amazing shocker of my life i couldn't feel my shoulders as reached 300km from danger my #life my #story what a #fatal miscue currently receiving treatment.
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