I totally agree with this sir. We need self discipline to really achieve these aforementioned points. When I have work to do, I drop my phone down, except when what I am working on is actually on the phone. I was trying to make a post today, I had to leave my phone down and ignore it. Calls came in and I didn't even bulge covers face. I really can relate to these amazing points.
Social media could really take time without us knowing. It has been long I used Instagram or Facebook. I didn't even log it in. Hahaha. I hardly even have time for WhatsApp any more...except for some group meetings.
You actually nailed these points and we need discipline to get through if we aof to avoid distractions. Little distractions here and there steal away our vital moments.
He who waste one minute or an hour a day, will search the whole day looking for it.
Thank you for this sir.
Social media can and does take our time, it is only with discipline and a resolve not to get sucked in that we are able to stay sane.
A time lost is gone forever.
Stay awesome!
Yes sir!. Thanks a lot sir. Always appreciate you.