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RE: My Story - Run Out Of My Home Due To Harassment

in #life7 years ago

I am a good, clear headed man who is capable of sorting out reality from your version of it.
Your bought wife is half your age, and you had to ask others to pay for her visa and flight. Now you are asking people to support her AND A CHILD?

I donated to you, offered you good advice, and you blocked me.
This is my pay-back to you.



No idea about any donations really. I once got a bunch of $0.01 donations from a group of trolls who now rant and rave about how they supported me. Anyone who rants about that and then use the words "child bride" in the same sentence, to me, are trolls. I do sell T-shirts, coffee mugs and homemade goods to raise money and have used those funds to pay for a lot of projects. Nothing wrong with that really, I think.

I am TRYING to make a living online like I have for 10 years now. If people like you would leave me alone then I would be quite successful at it again like I have been for many years. Now LEAVE ME ALONE!!!

By the way, my version of reality is clearly shown on YouTube for the World to see. Nothing hidden there. I dont get how you can complain and rant against me, calling me a liar, when you admit yourself that you do not watch my videos.

Now where are you getting your info if not from my videos?

I mean, in one comment you say you are clear headed and can sort out reality for yourself. But yet in another comment you openly admit that you dont even watch my videos.

Where on Earth are you getting this information then? Absorbing it from the air? From a little bird? Or from a den of vipers who sit in their basements hating on people all day?

I don't watch your videos often. See my post elsewhere.

I sent you a hydrometer in December 2014. Remember me now?

Ok, yes that was very kind of you. But why then are you so hateful to me? I never did anything to hurt you. I did block you after your comments turned aggressive, hateful and slanderous. Why cant we drop all of this?

Aggressive, hateful, and slanderous comments?

I think you had better stop right there, Mister. You have just crossed the line by accusing ME of things I have never done to you. I was ALWAYS respectful and polite in my comments on your channel, NEVER swore or cursed, and the reason you blocked me was that I questioned your actions and you never responded adequately. Obviously, you were afraid that others would also question your actions, correctly, as it turns out...

Any more of your accusations could find you on the receiving end of a law suit. Watch what you say, Sonny!

Are you serious??? Look at the evil things you have said about me on this forum. Right here. All I did was mention how you talk about me. And you want to sue me??? Really??? Wow!!!!

Not one single thing you have said about me here is true. You admit to not watching my videos but rather listening to lying trolls. But yet you spread their words in public about me. Boy, that is some backwards thinking.

I said "I hardly ever watch," not I NEVER watch.

Nothing I have said, either here, on YouTube, or on is untrue, to the best of my knowledge, belief, and experience of my dealings with you.


Where is the photo of your solar setup in the trailer? Still waiting for that. Come on Troy. Do it now, not tomorrow when you have had a chance to stage it...

Where is this alleged "Information packet" that seeks to destroy you? Show it, or STFU about it. Just like everything else you claim, no proof is ever shown.

But we should just take your word for it? Your word means nothing to me. You have no honour.

Bah. Go away nasty little troll.