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RE: My Story - Run Out Of My Home Due To Harassment

in #life7 years ago

I am not trying to destroy your life, Troy, I am trying to get you to see that your chosen lifestyle is not sustainable. You admit your YouTube channel is heading down the pan, but it is not because of the big bad trolls, it is due to the complete lack of content or production values. You promised your viewers just last week that there would be no more mention of trolls, yet here we are with you posting a whole article about how all these nasty people have desTroyed your life. Just a new outlet for your sob story. Well, people here can't say they weren't warned.

So, how did you come to meet the notorious sex offender TJ, from out of state, Troy? Not generally the sort of person one would choose as a friend? You say he burned you? That's funny, because you and he seemed to be having a fine old time playing "pool noodle penis prodding." Would you like me to post the link to your video, or the .sucks gif of it?

You don't know the meaning of the phrase hard work" You get out of breath walking across your yard, you lazy git. You spent all day on your computer yesterday when you could have actually achieved something. Obviously, spreading your lies and misdirections is more important than taking care your homestead and family. How much did you earn for them yesterday, Troy? $20? $50? It's not enough!



Broken record? Your friends have seen to it that I cannot get a job.

I was doing quite well for myself before your friends destroyed my life.

Go away, leave my family alone and I will be able to make a comfortable living online again.

I used to have books for sale. Your friends got them removed. I used to work with advertising companies. Your friends got them to drop me. And much more. And I have screen prints of them bragging about it all right there from your lovely forum of "good people".

Leave me to live my life in peace the way I see fit. It that not one of the rights of America?

oldcodge i think you need time out m8 , you're so full of twisted comments its unbelievable , your reading the comments on .sucks to much ,
and you dont have enough money to sue troy, you dont have enough income to cover the costs.
and if this was just against troy then so be it , but .sucks is a cult that destroys anyone's lives ,
look at the harm they have done to people that the dont even know about , people that have done nothing against anybody in that group.
and we all know that fixedbydoc has been a driving force behind .sucks and the hate campaign against troy and the others.
i dont for one minute believe your doing this because of a so called battery tester.
as for troys income and what he decides to show in his vids is nothing to do with you are the cult .sucks ,
you can pick holes in everything , but so can we.
we don't like you lot because you are just destroyers of people's lives.
no matter what troy do you will carry on bullying him and anyone around him.
if you were really so pissed about the cheap ebay/amazon battery tester then you would have accepted troys offer of the refund , but instead you accused him of trying to buy you off ,
talk about getting things out of context .
you have no intention of stopping the bullying and you know it,
think about it - those on .sucks do things then pass the blame onto others. and deny everything even though its on .sucks and can not be deleted. all the evidence is there on .sucks to prove what they have done and are doing, why ?? because they dont have the guts to stand up face to face.
talk about the sheep being taken to the slaughter , which is what they are doing to each other on .sucks.
you keep going on about proof , well the only proof on .sucks is edited vids / fake copies of so called old records. / and peoples picking mountains out of molehills,
and i know the comments on troys vids are being screen shot and posted on .sucks. and some have been altered . but it dont count for much when the day comes as we all have copies of the originals