
Filip is so cute , I wish filip a quick recovery

He look so calm and peaceful, the environment is also very soothing. The big Teddy will always be there for him !BBH !pimp

We have good and bad days in our lives.

Yeah sure and that is why we need to try out best to always learn how to handle the bad days

Get well soon Flip :-) Rehived.

Filipu želim hitro okrevanje in vrnitev v čarobni otroški svet igre in zabave. Vse najboljše!

Oh sorry cutie , get well soon

The Teddy bear is doing a great job

Buenas,que lamentable información que el niño está quebrantado de salud,bueno así nos ha pasado días buenos y malos Pero deber enfrentar con fé y sabiduría,en la foto con la ayuda y el amor del peluche él se sentirá mejor,que Dios lo cuide y sane pronto amigo,muchas bendiciones🙏🙏

i hope he is feeling better right now