Happy start of the week steemianos, reading a book of healing, I found this writing very interesting and I share it with you .. what wisdom do animals have to avoid danger, hopefully humans learn from them, but no, we always fall into the same mistakes and again..
At 40 years old, the eagles take refuge in a safe place and there they take off the feathers, the beak and the nails, they no longer serve them, and they wait for a new beak to grow, new nails and a new plumage.
This act manifests its power, its capacity to renew itself despite the years, the time, the circumstances.
The eagles fly over the storms, they go through the difficulties, and they not only cross them, they cross them and reach a calm sky.
And when the crows bother them, they fly even higher, where they do not arrive.
We can do the same, fly over toxic people, over those whose only interest is to bother and not let them go beyond the heights.
When the falcon fights the eagle does not fight because she is wise, he knows that he is much stronger, he knows with what and with whom he has to fight.
That is why it flies towards the sun, because it knows that the hawk does not support its light.
If your success bothers someone, it is because that person can not enjoy personal success, and also, because your success tells you of their failure!
Fly very high, where nobody stops you, success is yours! Fly over the poisons!