WHAT DOES THE WEIGHT GIVE TO THE BOTTLE? THE WASTE OR THE OWN BOTTLE?@chbartist We have the pretense to believe that other people in constancy are waiting for us, expected that we fail. I will find out that this is not the case most of the people are focused on their own life to be interested in someone else's. Each human being or each person is the center of their own universe, we see the world through our own eyes or perspective, meaning that we are not the center of another's universe. However, knowledge about how to better understand our energy levels, that you can provide is a wonderful option that I would not discard to open or discover the universe of achievements by the fortress of other human beings. Remember that the opposite of growth is equality or monotony which leads to psychological death. Well, if you want you can make the decision of your evolution in living better every day, different being a recipient of universal vitality or you can continue to fear the unknown and remain the same, being the same psychologically null. WHO DOES NOT VALUE THE EFFORT AND SACRIFICE FOR THE ACHIEVEMENTS, IT IS THE ONE WHO HAS NOT CONFRONTED HIS FEARS. .....
@olnavi, that is the idea, to evolve in all aspects, in order to achieve full happiness