Dear @kenistylesconman - Hey there! I'm new to Steemit and I don't know you nor do I really know @kenistyles. So far he's been a cool guy who upvotes a few comments of mine from time to time. That being said, I'm not aware of (nor care) about the dispute between the two of you. But it appears you've created your account just to downvote @kenistyles upvotes. Now, the problem that I have with that is that I'm new, and your downvotes on my profile- however aimed at him, affect my reputation. Flag wars are a bit of an abuse of the system. We have enough of that here.
So I'm going to ask you quite civilly to please stop downvoting his votes and comments on other people's pages. There's lots of room for both of you to upvote/downvote war each other on your own pages where your own account and reputation is at stake. You are literally harming the accounts of dozens of innocent people and robbing them. UPVOTES come from the REWARD POOL, not his WALLET. You are not damaging his wallet by damaging our pages, only hurting US and not him at all.
It's not our fault what happenned between you two. Please comply with fixing your issue another way.