We are all ONE! ONE People!! ONE Mother Earth!! THIS GAME MUST END!!! The Game of DIVISION!!!...We are all One

in #life7 years ago

Brothers and Sisters as long as We fall for THEIR game, WE LOSE.

We have allowed OUR PETTY differences, OUR beliefs, OUR private matters and ANYTHING else that has NOTHING to do with each others lives, BLIND us from the truth, that WE the People all across Mother Earth are being lead into a system of complete enslavement. DIVIDE and CONQUER is how it's happening!!

If WE allow this, what have WE left to OUR future generations?

If WE the MANY People do not come together as ONE voice and ONE FORCE, to be heard and stop the VERY FEW from taking over OUR Mother Earth. WE LOSE.

They do not OWN anything that comes from Mother Earth, no/body does it was never meant to be picked and parceled.

We all have a right to her fruits, and at the very least get a piece of the property, food, shelter and JOY without STATE interference to the point; YOU cannot even collect the rain waters that fall from Father Sky, seed your own garden,grow your OWN food in some parts of the country and spreading all over Mother Earth. That is simply WRONG on every level of LIFE!!!

YOU never truly know what you are drinking, eating and breathing, because GOVERNMENT has allowed CORPORATIONS to poison We the People on every level possible.


We must Stop all the brainwashed selfish, petty pride, hurt feelings BULLSHIT that has taken over US like a disease; keeping us from seeing each other as a Brother and Sister of Mother Earth, we must put that all that aside, and COME TOGETHER to bring forth PEACE on Mother Earth.



We are the FORCE for CHANGE



Thanks for comment, I am wondering if THEY can print the money, what kind of greed do you speak about. They have all the money they need.

I see it more about control and POWER. As long as THEY keep US divided they gain all the control and with that control comes POWER.

I always ask WHY?
WHY do they want all that control to RULE over every man and woman's life?
WHY do that have this sick need to have that POWER?
WHY not allow people to live freely?


Very True....if only the 99% lift their backs upright...the 1% will easily CRUMBLE to their feet.....

Greed never change & That the whole game 😒