Fascinating. I run a second hand goods business so I am well aware of hoarding. I have never understood why my brother and my dad downloaded so much stuff that could never get through it all. Now I understand a little more.
I am a deleter ! I delete everything I've watched or read or realised I never will get to. I sell everything I even suspect I have no use for any more, to keep my life as uncluttered as possible.
I must admit, I am switching to digital hoarding - and it does have two big advantages - it's all free, and it all fits on small hard drives. Now I have over 1000 movies, 5000 albums, and 10000 ebooks, but it's the photos and images where the numbers get a bit out of hand :)
Bascially digital hoarding is the same as physical. The difference is that it is more portable and it is easier to find a specific thing quickly when you are looking for it. The down side is you can't do much with it when the electricity is out. :)
Not such a good move for South Africans then. Our power supply is not always what it should be.
I suspect as long as we don't blow each other up in stupid wars that your power issues will be resolved in the coming future. I would like to say nearby future as the technology is there, yet politics and maneuvering can slow down the spread of things.
My first job as a young teen was working at a thrift store my mom owned. I was around 13 years old.