How to accelerate learning by 10 times.

in #life7 years ago

We spend hundreds of hours learning music, languages ​​or something else. But, probably, we use slow methods. And this is not the case because mentors do not want to teach us faster. And because they do not know, nothing is more effective.

Go in small steps. When the long path to the goal is divided into a large number of small stages, you will always know at what stage you are. And if failures begin, it will be clear at what interval of the path they take place. Therefore, to solve problems, it will not be necessary to analyze the entire path that has been traveled.

If you do not have a detailed plan, then it is difficult for you to analyze the mistakes simply because it is more difficult to understand at what stage the error occurs and what steps you should revise.

For example, you start dancing and try to follow the teacher's movements. If you move with small steps, analyzing each movement - you will have more chances to understand the essence and begin to progress than if you thoughtlessly, repeatedly try to repeat the whole complex of movements.

Focus on one thing. Do not hammer your head with all sorts of information. You can read dozens of books without using anything meaningful. And you can read a short article, taking from there the most necessary advice for yourself and immediately begin to use it in life. It is impossible to study or understand everything. Find the most important thing for yourself and start using it.

The success of training lies in the regularity. The more regular you are in training a particular skill, the better your brain will perceive and assimilate this information. The shorter the breaks between classes, the less studied you will forget.

Try different ways to achieve a specific goal. At the initial stage it is important to try all the possibilities. This is the only way to find the best tools for work. This will allow you to understand what you need to use, and what does not suit you. And then focus and work.

When the growth of the results begins to fall - go back and try again the opportunities that have appeared or to which you have already grown. After all, if there is no development, then the sunset is close.