When I use someone else's material I link to the original publication so they get the views and likes, etc. It's actually quicker and easier to do it that way. Anything else I post is 100% my stuff, and yet I find it used all over fakebook and yootoob without consequence, while my originals don't get squat. The cost, time and effort it would take to discover and go after these thieves means that up to this point, they had free reign. Why steal from someone who provides free of charge to begin with? At least give that person the views and likes they deserve.
I think the frictionless solution would be great, but would require all platforms to participate in scanning and reporting. There are programs to wipe exif data from images making it hard to identify and this would require some image recognition software that can differentiate separate images taken of the same object without the exif data. Possible but at what cost?
Either way, glad to see that a number of us are actually looking at the problem with an eye towards a practical solution rather than a complete ban that at best would be difficult to enforce.