THOUGHT DISRUPTION: Optimism could be dangerous!!!

in #life7 years ago (edited)


In business, marriage and life in general, it has always been an advice to be optimist. My best friend @vwovwe will always claim to be an optimistic. Trying to see hope at every given opportunity. This indeed is recommendable.

I believe there is always some rays of light in every dark tunnel and some sweet flavours in every bitter experience. Thus I am equally a fan of optimism though I won't like to be called an optimist.

To me, I believe life is plain, tangible and not cunny. Life has principles that must be followed. I believe seeing life aw a realist i.e the way things are is the best. Seeing life the way it is enables us to see reasons to ne optimistic, hold on or give up. I totally disagree with the philosophy of NEVER QUIT

Being a realist will help us keep and maintain life principles. For example, you can't reap what you did not sow. This is a principle. This is real. You can't expect a tuber of yam when you planted maize.


Optimism shouldn't define life. It should only better our living. For instance, planting maize entails harvesting maize. This is real. This should define life. Optimism could only give us the hope you seek a better or more fruitful harvest not the rewarding us for what we didn't labour for.

Thus, seeing optimism as what defines life is dangerous. This is reason behind laziness, idleness and unwillingness.

Be more of a realist than an optimist. Let the latter follow the former. Don't see life the other wacontents†

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I love this thought pattern
Optimism isn't enough

Thanks dear.

Optimism isn't enough!

It's truism. Nice post!

Exactly! Thanks for your compliment

Dreaming and doing. It's an old question on how to bring balance to your work/life routine. I'd describe myself as a kind of stoic optimist with some pragmatic touches while still being able to act like im 10. Interesting post! Made me think...

You've always made a point. Thanks for sharing this